Friday, May 23, 2014

Wildlife on the Ranch

We went out for a walk tonight and came upon a skunk.
We were on the opposite sides of the water, we were
trying out our new walkie talkies and I spotted the skunk in front of us.
I told Jeff where it was and of course Jeff heads right for it.
The closer Jeff got the more I stayed put.

 Eventually the
skunk ignored Jeff and then Jeff ignored the skunk.
Then I decided I could walk by it also, when the skunk spotted
me it turned and ran away from me.  I guess I look scarier
than Jeff to a skunk.

As we continued on our walk we came to the "wild" sheep.
It is a ram that was left behind by a sheep herd last year.  It
was at the ranch when they left last fall.  It has it's tail so they
know it is the same one.  He lived here all winter and is still here.
He loves to chase people off.  We have a Sister here who
won't walk up in this area because she is afraid of him.

He looks fat and healthy, if fact, he is really large.  We tried
to chase him off our path and he wasn't sure he was
going to let us by. He had the deepest baaa ever.

Jeff had his pellet gun with him but the ram was not fooled.
He knew it was a fake gun.  Eventually Jeff won and he ran
off up the hill.  We did watch our backs, I remember the
ram who loved to sneek up behind me and butt me.
So, as you can see, we are truly living a wild, exciting life in the
plains of Wyoming/Utah.

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