Tuesday, May 6, 2014

May 5, 2014

This happy face is the face of a man headed out to hit golf balls for the first
time in over two weeks.  He was so excited.  Pdays can be a real excitment.

I watched from the truck and enjoyed my time spent
reading a book.  It was great for me too!

 Jeff was going to walk 9 holes, but his companion forgot
her walking shoes (remember I'm in a dress!) so he only got to
 hit a bucket of balls and then putt a little on the putting green. 
 Oh well, something
to look forward to next week.
 To make up for the lost walk on the golf course we headed out
to walk part of the trail #6.  We left about 2:30 pm and got back
about 6:00pm.  We figure it was just over 9 miles.
 This is Jeff's not so happy face as we neared the Depot.
I guess we should have taken the golf clubs with us and 
we could have pretended to be on the course.  It was windy, as
usual, but otherwise an okay day.  We had fun with all
the antelope, we  saw tons of them and they saw us so they
were running every direction.  Life on the plains, where the
deer (not so many) and the antelope play.  In fact, we believe
the antelope do play, it is like a game of chicken, they run
away from you then back at you and if your in a car
they run across the road right in front of you!  A game for sure.

1 comment:

  1. Thanks for posting ! We enjoy reading about your adventures...All the guys at DelRays.
