Well, we have been here four weeks today. We came on a Monday this is Sunday,
so by Seinfeld time we are halfway done. Riding out on the
trails is great. I love that part. Last Friday and Saturday we had
three route reviews to do. We were pretty nervous about them. Kinda
scary for the Stakes also, just imagine coming with all kinds of questions
and your missionary couple don't know any of the answers. We did
try to reassure them that by the time they came we would be
experienced or fired, either way it was good for them.
This is Us just after we finished our first review on Friday. Sis Shields
took the picture. She and her husband were with us for support
on that first one. It was the Holiday North Stake, the group
that Eric and Maylene White are part of. They were so fun to be with,
no, Eric and Maylene were not with them. We look forward
to being on their trek. How prepared were they? They even have
an equipment coordinator.
On our route review Jeff found a old "Barlow" brand pocketknife
buried in the dirt. He was pretty excited about that. Later that night
he found a old shot gun shell also. He found it on this hill.
He is up above a part of the trail, a woman's pull part. The
woman's pull is called Kristy's Kid Killer! How funny,
Kristy Huff is the one who started the treks here years ago and the
pull is named for her. Our group wanted to walk it so I did it
with them. Jeff took their truck on up to the top and waited for
us on the hill over looking the trail. He looked like a sentinel
up on the hill.
On Saturday afternoon after we were finished Jeff and I headed off
to the Wahsatch Exit to clean up the trash. WOW, what a mess it was. No
one else would go with us, it was because of the large numbers of
urine bottles that were piled up!!!! Gross.
We had six large orange bags we had begged off of the Evanston 6th ward
earlier this week. We didn't have enough. We will have to go
back to do 3 sections of the 8 sections there. Does that make sense?
This would be the $55.00 dollars we, or I should say, I found while cleaning
up the gross garbage. Wow, it pays to pick up, I've been telling all of you that
for many years. Well, today it paid off. I did have to soak it in soap and water
and then after it dried we put it in a ziplock bag. When we spend
it we'll have to warn them where it came from, or not. We figure we
are going to buy some better walkie talkies with the money. Maybe
next time we'll find more, or just dirty bottles instead.
This mess is our dinner on the floor. I was reheating some dressing and
potatoes in the microwave. I had it in a cheap dollar store bowl, when
I pulled it out the bowl kinda folded in the middle and the
entire contents spilled out on the floor and
all over the top of the stove. Not so good, really messy. We did
eat the part on the stove but we left the mess of the floor. No eating that.
A side note, on Friday night I found my first tick, it was in my hair
on the back of my neck. And yesterday Jeff had one on the
back of his knee. We search our bodies every night, and scrub in
the shower. We heard some bad news though. They said the ticks
survive being washed in the washing machine and dried in the dryer.
We are all teasing, laughing and itching thinking about ticks. So that
is why we never eat anything on the floor, it could be a TICK.
Saturday evening we went for a ride on our razor and drove by this
little fellow. He ran from us and down the hole he went head first.
He spun around and up came his head. We turned off the bike
and just sat there. He pretty soon peeked out at us. He looked
so cute and eventually he rested his chin on the dirt. We saw a
total of 5 badgers Friday and Saturday. This night we also
saw lots of mule deer, bucks and doe's and even two elk, a
cow and a bull. We came upon several moose tracks, but never
found any. That is our goal is to see some of the moose they have here.
This is Jeff standing out on a ledge of snow, yes I was saying,
"Get back off the edge, if it goes you are going to
be at the bottom of this ridge." We had a great time.
What a beautiful place this is but again, the wind is howling at us
today and so we think we should invest in Kites!
So here would be Sister and Elder Cowan at the
Deseret Land & Livestock Ranch, living the life.
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