Happy Mothers Day to all Mothers everywhere, actually
all women everywhere, we are all mothers.
We woke up to WIND and SNOW. At church today
a man told us a few years ago they had 11 inches of snow
on June 17th! Please don't let that be us. We
want to reenact the handcart treks but that is
to realistic for me!
We came home from Church and enjoyed a dinner
together at the Depot. All the Elders did the cooking for the
meal. It was really good. Sister Pratt thinks we should
do that every Sunday or at least once a month.
The best was watching them do the dishes. We sisters
all left the Depot and headed back to our trailers so they could
work by themselves. Mostly, we left because it was cold
and we all knew our trailers were warmer.
The pies we ate were given to us by a trek group that is coming
for trek this summer. They rented six carts on Thursday to use for
a training on Saturday. When they came on Thursday they brought us
three pies! Wow, were we impressed. On Saturday when they
returned the carts they brought three more pies. Right now
they are the favorite Stake.
On Saturday they also brought a flat of flowers for the Sisters
for Mother's Day. We think they win the award for
demonstrating the principle of "How to win friends and
Influence Enemies"
Remember the Steers that moved in on Friday right next to us,
well Saturday morning they all left! I guess they didn't like the
neighborhood. Actually, I found out, we were just a over
night pit stop. They were going further and just stopped to
feed them part of the way there. I kinda felt bad to see them
leave. I know, that sounds weird but there aren't a lot of
people around here and you have to find new friends
where you can.
There would be our new wooden steps. The Elders spent Saturday
building steps for each of the couples who don't already have them.
This might not look like much, but they are so much nicer
to walk on and lots more sturdy.
This is Jeff going up them first. I would rotate the picture but
can't find the right place to do so. The solution is for all of you
to rotate so you can see the picture right.
Church was kinda sad today. I was missing my Primary class today,
actually, I miss them every week. But, today, they had their
primary sing three songs for Mother's day. That made me
cry and then last night we went to dinner to a place called
Taggerts, it was really good. The thing is there were lots of
families there celebrating Mother's day and so there were
lots of little kids running around and it made me really miss
my little kids! I miss their busy bodies and great laughs,
their cute faces and especially their hugs. We love you all lots
and send you our hugs and kisses!
We all miss you too. Mother's Day was NOT the same without you here.