Well, we got some new neighbors today. They were really excited
to move and seemed to make themselves right at home.
The policy of D.L.& L. is they move their cattle to different
pastures. They have enough pastures that they are only
used once a year, sometimes once every two years. They are only
in a pasture for about two weeks. So, again, you see the
size of the ranch.
We will see them again in the later summer when they bring them and
separate them from their calves, I guess the crying and
calling is really loud. Can't wait to experience that!
This is a water bottle holder that the groups can make that ties
on the back of a handcart. Each trekker can keep their bottles
in a slot and have easy access to it.
We worked on a pattern and took these pictures so we could
e-mail the information to groups that are interested in making them.
This afternoon the Elders drove into Evanston to pick up four
new Rangers for us to use on the treks. But because
we live in the snowing, wet plains they got stuck coming
back, actually they are almost home.
They had two truck and two trailers to carry the four.
They unloaded the Rangers and left the trailer stuck in the
mud. They will wait for a drier day to get it out, they may
wait until August!
Here they are trying to clean off some of the mud.
But wait, what is this? Blue skies? Sun? Oh, not for long, just
to tease us.
I don't know if you can see the water under the trailer, but they have
their own underhome swimming hole. We have been waiting for
it to float away. This isn't ours but it is two away from
us. We are wet, but not that wet.
How cool does Jeff look in his new ride. He says they
are pretty smooth. We have two with roofs and windshields
the other two will get their roof when they arrive later.
I can't wait to get to ride the trails in these. We are praying for
sun and dry, so we can get out. We had to cancel a route review we
had scheduled for today and one on Monday because we can't get
out to show them their trails.
This is what we Sister's did today. We put together two
baby quilts. I never thought I would be making quilts when
I came here. They have all kinds of fabric and several sets
of quilting frames. And, check out that roll of batting!
We had a great time visiting and telling TALL TALES while
we worked around the quilt. And can I tell you, I am again the odd duck.
They all brought sewing machines, for real. I was laughing inside.
They are all really involved in quilting, the real kind, not just tying them.
But, I held my own when we put them on the frames and set them
up, I can do that. At the end of the afternoon I told them my
self esteem could be wounded except for one thing.....
I brought the iron! Yep, that was my contribution to the sewing
fest. And, speaking of irons. Those of you who really know me
will be shocked at this. I have not ironed any clothes the whole
time we have been here. Not a shirt, not a pair of pants, nothing, until
today. I did go to my closet and bring out a skirt I'd washed
and I ironed that today when we finished. While I was ironing
quilt tops my iron was saying to me, "Hey, why don't she write?"
Another funny contribution I have made this week, you will all
be laughing out loud........I have been LEADING THE MUSIC
in the mornings! How funny, you know I don't do that right,
I can do it, but I do it DEB STYLE. Any of you who know me
know what that is like.
They have all been loving my style. We have been singing
Primary songs all week. I haven't gotten them to let
me do Nephi's Courage yet, but you know I will
one day soon. HaHaHaHaHa, that is going to be funny.
And yes, I have already Kazoo'd two different people
on their birthdays. That is a first for the Depot also.
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