On Friday May 2nd We had some visitors, Squirrel and Cindy
drove our razor up from Cedar City. Ray and Georgia rode with
them on up to Deseret Land & Livestock.
Just as we arrived at the gate a train came by, like usual.
We took them of a tour of the Depot, the Trek Center and then around
on the roads. It was fun to show them the sights. Georgia
especially loved the antelope. Afterwards we all drove into
Evanston and had a great dinner at Jody's Diner. We liked
it lots, the food was good but the company was
Today we rode trails in the morning and then in the afternoon
we worked on making new handcarts, That was so fun.
It is amazing how the process works from beginning to end.
Elder Nordick has a real system for building them and had
all of us doing what we were told to do.
This is Elder Cowan and Elder Shields with a finished product.
They were putting on the wheels and handles.
The Sisters were working to build the bed of the cart.
Yep, I got to drill and drive in screws on that beautiful wood.
I"m the one taking pictures so you can't see me in action.
You would have to hold on to your shorts if you saw
how awesome I looked with a drill in my hand!
We worked for over three hours and were able to build two
boxes and during that same time Jeff and Shields were
able to put on the wheels, axle, and handle bars.
We had such a good time. We talked about putting our names on the
bottom of the box, underneath then decided that wouldn't be good.
We would be building monuments, not handcarts. One Sister said,
"Maybe we could do it when no one is looking" Me, I suggested
we could carve 2014 then we'd know it was us! Again it was
decided to forgo fame and work on just plain service. So, look
close so if you see the carts later you will know which ones I helped build.
Two Carts finished, only 8 more to go. Actually, we have 5 boxes
finished. The welding on the axle takes a longer time to do. And Morgan
you can't believe how it smells in the trek center, wood shavings everywhere!
Well, after working on the carts Jeff and I took out our razor and rode a trail.
We did great until we got to the camp for the third day. It is called Lost Camp and
I have to tell you, it is still lost to Jeff and I! We never did
see it, we found our way to the end of the trek, but
that third camp is no where to be seen. Funny, right?
Hopefully, before we take a group there we'll find it
or they will be sleeping in the corrals.
Those carts look great! And that really is such pretty wood! I bet it smells amazing in there!!