Friday, May 23, 2014

May 23, 2014

Here I am trying to get granola from under the seat.  Trying to get 
clear in there is hard, I think I am still stuck in there.  It is hard
type in the dark.  

Here is a post that we were marking for the trails.  When all
the meadows look the same those posts make me feel secure.

This spot is called 4 way gate.  There are four gates that meet 
together at one point.  We were pounding in  a post and when
we got done Jeff said, "Where are my tools?"  We look over
and he had left them on the post on the OTHER SIDE OF
THE GATES!  Undoing the gates is a major ordeal so we
decided it would be quicker if I just crawled under the gate.
So I did!  Funny thing, I was getting ready to roll under the next 
gate when Jeff said, "Why don't you just walk over to the post
and reach the tools.  I was going to go under two gates, I am
so glad Jeff didn't decide to teach me a lesson just then and
spared me the task of rolling again and extra two times.  I 
guess he does love me, right?

This is the post hole pounder and Yes, I am pounding the post.  Lucky for
me the ground is soft from all the snow and rain.

These are the walkie talkies we purchased with our garbage pick
up money.  We only had to add ten dollars to the tab.  Jeff thinks
we should go out again to see how much more we can find.
Needless to say, we have quite a reputation in the garbage
collection world.

This is a hand washing unit Jeff put together.  We were
given the idea from a trek group that is coming this summer.
Bryan Booth sent us a picture of the unit and we
got the parts in Ogden yesterday.  

It has a boat pump that pulls the water from one bucket and
comes out the spout on the bucket.  We figure it is a 
fun way to wash your hands in the field.  We are excited
to let the Greene's try it out.  One good thing if you aren't
pumping it isn't running water.

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