Sunday, May 31, 2015

May 31, 2015

On our P-day we actually went on a little sight seeing trip, 
no trek business.  We drove to Robertson Wyoming to see where
Kennedy's live.   What a beautiful home they have, great 
scenery, they are at the base of the Uinta's.  We loved seeing
how they built their home, they are such hard workers and
their home showed how inventive they are.

When we finished we took a side trip onto Manila, Utah,
wow what a beautiful valley that is to live in.  On the way
back to Evanston we stopped at the "Little America". 

It is a mini world all their own.  It reminded us of
Ruby's Inn in Bryce.

We posed for the typical vacation pictures.

On May 30th, Saturday our own ward, Willowwood
came for a route review.  Wow, it was so good to see
people we already know.  We had such a good time
showing them the ranch and their trail.

We walked the woman's pull, "Kristy's Kid Killer"
We let Lynn get in touch with his feminine side and walk
the hill with us.  Even without the carts we felt the 
spirit and shed a few tears as we talked and walked.

A little lesson on handcarts and they each took a turn pulling
the carts around, easy without all the stuff in them.

Nan was nice enough to bring us surprises from home.  The
Greene's sent us a Tootsie Roll Man, he is so cute.

And JanaLee sent us two loafs of her Satan bread.  We
quickly cut up pieces to share with the group.  We love
the heels so we didn't share those.  We have to give lots away
because we have been known to eat an entire loaf ourselves, in a day.
So now you know why we call it Satan bread.

We have one more week before trek and we are
feeling the pressure to be ready,  I hope we make it.
Lots to do and still lots to learn for the new ones.
This is where the rubber meets the road and we all
get schooled in the school of hard knocks.  What does
that even mean?  Well, have a great first week of June.
We are just excited to have seen the sun two days in a row.

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