This fine fellow is Bill, He is from Evanston and he came
out to the DL &L to help us get our furnace working! We have been
using a electric space heater, it's been okay. But, now we
have the real heat and it is so much warmer. We love Bill.
While he was out fixing us up he also worked on the Petersen's
water heater also. Trailers are a never ending project.
The highlight of the week was a visit from a group we trekked with
last summer. Holladay North Stake. We loved being with them.
They had a great time on the DL & L and wanted to come back
and do a dinner and fireside for us and our new missionaries.
Gary and his daughter LinLee were the cooks and we loved
his food last year, we loved it again on Friday.
We were celebrating the baptism and conversion of John and
Deb Smith. Because of trek they decided to join the church.
Fred, the one in brown was the one to invite them to come on trek.
They had such a fun time being here again and sharing their
story and testimonies with us and especially the new couples.
They wanted to help us get them excited to Trek and to know
the impact it can have on our lives.
This is Fred's family, They are so great. The little girls and
Fred's wife Taya dressed in their pioneer clothes. The little
girls played pretend all afternoon. They called themselves,
Mary and Laura Ingels, from Little House on the Prairie. We laughed
at how cute they were. Fred and his family, John and Deb
spent the night with us on Friday. They enjoyed a personal tour
of some of the ranch with Elder Cowan in the morning.
When we started to plan the reunion Fred asked if he could
invite some of the Stake to come. We ended up with 20 missionaries
and about 28 of them! It was quite a group. What a great time
they had getting together and remembering the great Trek
they had. John and Deb live in California so some of them
hadn't seen them since Trek last July.
This is one of the kitchen crew that I had a watermelon contest with
last year. I beat his rind! Taya and I made a crown for me
to wear to tease him about being a LOSER. But instead I
gave him the crown to help encourage him to rise above his
loss and get better. How funny. He laughed and wore it the
rest of the night.
Jeff did a great job speaking to the group about the memories
and the purpose of Trek. We sure hope all our new missionaries
felt the love and testimony from all our old friends.
Fred is an artist. He sells his work everywhere and it is
amazing stuff he has. I bought a piece for Jeff at Christmas.
Fred brought Nordgren's and us a gift. It is a little handcart with
a Dad, Mom and baby.
Check out the pink bow in the Mom's hair.
The baby can be moved in or out of the cart. There is
a magnet in the bottom of the cart that holds him in place.
We think this is so fun.
Inside there is a set of dishes that look like metal camp dishes.
The lids are removable. What a great gift from a very special
friend. We were so lucky we got to be with their group on
Trek. They were our first route review last year and we had
such a fun time with them. We will never forget our Trek with
the Holladay North Stake. It is also my nephew Eric's ward. So
Eric, Maylene and Travis were with us also.
We told John and Deb they should return as missionaries next year.
We have three weeks until Trek and it feels like time is racing.
We have been here four weeks tomorrow. We have three more
months to go. Each week will bring a new adventure I am sure.
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