Saturday, May 23, 2015

May 24, 2015

On Saturday we discovered a ewe with two baby lambs.
We have had a large herd of sheep here on the ranch for several
weeks.  They are passing through to another ranch and are
given the rights to graze for a time.  

The herd was moved earlier this week over to the south west.
Well, I guess the sheep in the herd are what they call
dry ewes, and yearlings.  Well, this mom got in with them
and when the herd moved on she must have been having
her little twins.  She was left behind.

We have lots of coyotes and were afraid they would not be
safe without the protection of the sheep dogs.  So we
tried to contact the sheep owner but no one at the ranch
answered our phone calls, it is a holiday weekend. 
We decided to try to get them into the corrals that are next
to our trailers.  We thought it would give them some
protection and also keep them where they could be found 

It took a couple of hours to move them and it was quite the
adventure for a Saturday afternoon.  As you can see it was
a success.  

I got to hold the babies trying to get the mom to follow us.
How fun to hug a new little lamb.  It's been years since I've
held a lamb and it was great to rub those soft ears and listen
to their little baa's.

That is all the pictures I took this week.  Mostly it was
rain, rain, rain and more rain, followed by MUD, MUD
MUD AND MORE MUD.  We are hoping for some 
sun this week.  We are down to two weeks and then
our first groups will be arriving!  How quickly the time
is flying by and we work at being ready.
Rolling, Rolling, Rolling, keep those doggies going,

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