Sunday, May 31, 2015

May 31, 2015

On our P-day we actually went on a little sight seeing trip, 
no trek business.  We drove to Robertson Wyoming to see where
Kennedy's live.   What a beautiful home they have, great 
scenery, they are at the base of the Uinta's.  We loved seeing
how they built their home, they are such hard workers and
their home showed how inventive they are.

When we finished we took a side trip onto Manila, Utah,
wow what a beautiful valley that is to live in.  On the way
back to Evanston we stopped at the "Little America". 

It is a mini world all their own.  It reminded us of
Ruby's Inn in Bryce.

We posed for the typical vacation pictures.

On May 30th, Saturday our own ward, Willowwood
came for a route review.  Wow, it was so good to see
people we already know.  We had such a good time
showing them the ranch and their trail.

We walked the woman's pull, "Kristy's Kid Killer"
We let Lynn get in touch with his feminine side and walk
the hill with us.  Even without the carts we felt the 
spirit and shed a few tears as we talked and walked.

A little lesson on handcarts and they each took a turn pulling
the carts around, easy without all the stuff in them.

Nan was nice enough to bring us surprises from home.  The
Greene's sent us a Tootsie Roll Man, he is so cute.

And JanaLee sent us two loafs of her Satan bread.  We
quickly cut up pieces to share with the group.  We love
the heels so we didn't share those.  We have to give lots away
because we have been known to eat an entire loaf ourselves, in a day.
So now you know why we call it Satan bread.

We have one more week before trek and we are
feeling the pressure to be ready,  I hope we make it.
Lots to do and still lots to learn for the new ones.
This is where the rubber meets the road and we all
get schooled in the school of hard knocks.  What does
that even mean?  Well, have a great first week of June.
We are just excited to have seen the sun two days in a row.

Saturday, May 23, 2015

May 24, 2015

On Saturday we discovered a ewe with two baby lambs.
We have had a large herd of sheep here on the ranch for several
weeks.  They are passing through to another ranch and are
given the rights to graze for a time.  

The herd was moved earlier this week over to the south west.
Well, I guess the sheep in the herd are what they call
dry ewes, and yearlings.  Well, this mom got in with them
and when the herd moved on she must have been having
her little twins.  She was left behind.

We have lots of coyotes and were afraid they would not be
safe without the protection of the sheep dogs.  So we
tried to contact the sheep owner but no one at the ranch
answered our phone calls, it is a holiday weekend. 
We decided to try to get them into the corrals that are next
to our trailers.  We thought it would give them some
protection and also keep them where they could be found 

It took a couple of hours to move them and it was quite the
adventure for a Saturday afternoon.  As you can see it was
a success.  

I got to hold the babies trying to get the mom to follow us.
How fun to hug a new little lamb.  It's been years since I've
held a lamb and it was great to rub those soft ears and listen
to their little baa's.

That is all the pictures I took this week.  Mostly it was
rain, rain, rain and more rain, followed by MUD, MUD
MUD AND MORE MUD.  We are hoping for some 
sun this week.  We are down to two weeks and then
our first groups will be arriving!  How quickly the time
is flying by and we work at being ready.
Rolling, Rolling, Rolling, keep those doggies going,

Sunday, May 17, 2015

May 17, 2015

This fine fellow is Bill, He is from Evanston and he came
out to the DL &L to help us get our furnace working!  We have been
using a electric space heater, it's been okay.  But, now we
have the real heat and it is so much warmer.  We love Bill.
While he was out fixing us up he also worked on the Petersen's
water heater also.  Trailers are a never ending project.

The highlight of the week was a visit from a group we trekked with
last summer.  Holladay North Stake.  We loved being with them.
They had a great time on the DL & L and wanted to come back
and do a dinner and fireside for us and our new missionaries.
Gary and his daughter LinLee were the cooks and we loved
his food last year, we loved it again on Friday.

We were celebrating the baptism and conversion of John and
Deb Smith.  Because of trek they decided to join the church.  
Fred, the one in brown was the one to invite them to come on trek.
They had such a fun time being here again and sharing their
story and testimonies with us and especially the new couples. 
They wanted to help us get them excited to Trek and to know
the impact it can have on our lives.

This is Fred's family, They are so great.  The little girls and
Fred's wife Taya dressed in their pioneer clothes.  The little
girls played pretend all afternoon.  They called themselves,
Mary and Laura Ingels, from Little House on the Prairie.  We laughed 
at how cute they were.  Fred and his family, John and Deb
spent the night with us on Friday.  They enjoyed a personal tour
of some of the ranch with Elder Cowan in the morning.

When we started to plan the reunion Fred asked if he could
invite some of the Stake to come.  We ended up with 20 missionaries
and about 28 of them!  It was quite a group.  What a great time
they had getting together and remembering the great Trek
they had.  John and Deb live in California so some of them
hadn't seen them since Trek last July.

This is one of the kitchen crew that I had a watermelon contest with
last year.  I beat his rind!  Taya and I made a crown for me
to wear to tease him about being a LOSER.  But instead I
gave him the crown to help encourage him to rise above his
loss and get better.  How funny.  He laughed and wore it the 
rest of the night.

Jeff did a great job speaking to the group about the memories 
and the purpose of Trek.  We sure hope all our new missionaries
felt the love and testimony from all our old friends.

Fred is an artist.  He sells his work everywhere and it is
amazing stuff he has.  I bought a piece for Jeff at Christmas.
Fred brought Nordgren's and us a gift.  It is a little handcart with
a Dad, Mom and baby.  

Check out the pink bow in the Mom's hair. 

The baby can be moved in or out of the cart.  There is
a magnet in the bottom of the cart that holds him in place.

We think this is so fun.

Inside there is a set of dishes that look like metal camp dishes.
The lids are removable.  What a great gift from a very special
friend.  We were so lucky we got to be with their group on
Trek.  They were our first route review last year and we had
such a fun time with them.  We will never forget our Trek with
the Holladay North Stake.  It is also my nephew Eric's ward.  So
Eric, Maylene and Travis were with us also.
We told John and Deb they should return as missionaries next year.

We have three weeks until Trek and it feels like time is racing.
We have been here four weeks tomorrow.  We have three more
months to go.  Each week will bring a new adventure I am sure.

Sunday, May 10, 2015

May 10, 2015 Happy Mothers Day

On Monday May 4th Gib and Char came to visit us this week
and brought with them Jenny, Char's mom.  She was here visiting
from Tasmania.  

She was pretty excited to see Wyoming and all the handcarts.
She took lots of pictures and had us all laughing the whole time.

We took her into the Depot and showed her off to the other
Missionaries.  She'd actually been to Salt Lake City that
day by herself and ate lunch at the Lion House.  She'd had her
picture taken with six Sister Missionaries there is SLC.
So we really had her involved with the Mormons that day.

She loved our little house and she and Char spent a few 
special moments in our bathroom.

On Wednesday our Area Authority Seventy Lynn Summerhays
came to visit us and spend a few hours with the Missionaries.
He is quite a special man and we really enjoyed our time with
him.  How much he taught us and he left us with a challenge.  
that would help us spiritually.  We followed his counsel and our
week went so much better.  How great it is when we do what 
the Lord directs us to do.  When we involve Him in our lives
our lives go so much better.  That is truly why we are all here. 

Our week at the DL & L was pretty wet.  Saturday was the
most wet.  It snowed all day,  After several days of rain
the snow really made things muddy.

On days like this when I have to walk up to the Trek Center
several times in the mud I think, "What am I doing Here?"
We had to cancel several route reviews on Friday and Saturday.
Our ward Willowwood was scheduled to come Saturday.  We
are hoping the weather turns warmer and less wet so we can
take them out this next Saturday.  We are so excited to see our
friends from our own ward.

We did get lots of work done on the porta johns in spite of 
the weather.  Our welders have been busy building the
rails and steps that have to be attached on the new trailers.

Here are two of the two holers we built for this year.
We use them with the Kitchen crew so they have something
when the regular johns are gone with the trekkers.

The welders modify the trailer to make steps and 
a stepping area for them to stand on.  

Working indoors with the heat was a lot better than the cold wind
outside.  But, a bad side effect.  When they pulled a trailer
out of the inside they didn't get the door up high enough and
they tore the bottom panel of the door, OOPS!  Not
good.  We are glad no one was hurt.  It seems like we have
had several times Heavenly Father has protected us here.

With all the new porta johns we bought we had to build
new plugs for them.  One Elder worked to build them and then
the Sisters worked at the painting to seal them off.  They
look quite nice now but one trip down the road the
first week and they will no longer be so 'NICE"

Jeff went out walking with Elder Kennedy and found a 
elk shed.  He thinks Elder Kennedy guides him to them
like leading someone to water.  

I have to tell you a funny story.  On Friday Jeff and I drove
into Evanston to purchase several items for the work projects.  This
is a regular job, it seems like we are running to town to buy this 
screw or this lug nut,  Anyway we went fast while everyone else
was eating lunch.  We go to the store, Murdoch's we spent almost
an hour finding the different nuts and bolts to fit different
projects.  We get to the counter, we have a pile of stuff
and Cowan looks at me, "You have your wallet with you?"
I feel my pocket, nothing is there!  We had nothing with us, not
a penny in our pocket.  How silly we looked as we said, "We"ll have
to come back, we can't pay for any of this."  They teased us
about giving us a good deal but FREE was not part of the deal.
We had to drive ten miles back to the ranch, then ten miles back to
Evanston.  Our quick trip to the town was anything but quick.

I have another funny story, sorry no pictures.  One of the Elders
was driving into town and they stopped by the dumpsters we
have to throw away their garbage.  He got out, opened the trunk
and saw three bags, he threw all three in the dumpster.  Got
in the car and his wife said, "Did you get both bags?"  Both bags?
"I threw away all three."  Ooops, the third bag was his Temple
clothes.  He then had to figure out how to retrieve the bag back
out of the dumpster.  It was almost empty so the bags were clear
down on the bottom, he is short and couldn't begin to reach it.
When he was telling all of us the story we were all laughing so hard.
How we wish there was a picture, we want him to pose for pictures
after the fact.  He actually had a sickle he had packed, who knows
why, but he used that to snag the bag and pull it out.  He
was pretty glad he'd packed it.   See, life here is never
boring.  Wet, but not boring.  Have a good week and
as they say around here, 'Keep on Trekking"
Oh, did you ever think that Adam and Eve were actually the
first Trekkers!  It's true, trekking goes way back in history.

Sunday, May 3, 2015

May 3, 2015

This was a busy week AGAIN.  We finally got all the missionaries here
and we a trying to get them up to speed.  We had two route reviews on
Saturday and we will have 13 more through this week.  We 
are excited for Saturday at 1:00p.m. Our Willowwood Ward
will be here for their route review.  How fun it will be to see them.
As we went out on Saturday we were reminded why we like
this mission.  Driving the roads and talking with the groups about
what they should expect is the reward for all this work.
We love this piece of earth and love sharing and showing it off.
After the route review I did something I have never done before.

I drove the truck to pull porta johns!  This week I've driven
two trailers, one into Evanston and then the PJ's.  For
me that is big stuff.  I am a chicken about pulling trailers, at
least, me doing the driving.  Jeff is afraid if I get to good at
it I won't need him anymore.  Hummmm, I'll have to think about that!

Nah, How could I get rid of this fine example of manhood.
Tom Selleck has nothing on Jeff.

We spent lots of time on the trails this week.  We have a couple
of new trails we are trying to develop and that take lots of
time to decide what is the best route.  We also have to stand
back up all the posts that the cows have pushed over during the winter.
We've been riding them lots to try to teach them to the
new missionaries, it is really overwhelming to them.
Right now we focus on the support roads they have to use
for route reviews, and then we will hit hard the trails they
will be actually on with the trekkers.

Speaking of Trekkers, we continue to find the Trekkers we lost
on the trail last year.  We really should find a way to keep
better track of them.

I know that doesn't excite you but I have to tell
you I love them.  We have lots more trekkers this year
so we need lots more Johns, and a new clean one is so
much better than the old ones.  But, alas, how soon they
will become just like the others, they to will move on to the 
"Dark Side" and we no longer will enjoy being in them.

New carts this year.  We built the boxes last August but the
wheels didn't arrive until late August so we put them on now.
They look so nice with their new stain on them.  We look forward
to seeing them on the trail.  And yes, I take great pride in
seeing the new carts, it feels like we are part of the history now.

Our little home, STELLA, she is again by the skunk shed.
I love the flag that hangs at the Depot and this picture says it all.

We have Ten trailers here instead of the eight we had last year.
One thing about Wyoming, we don't fight over the spots where
the trees are.

We bought another Ranger to be on the 5th trail.  We
have been keeping them pretty busy.  This time of year the
4 wheelers are fun.  We are out on them riding the trails and
going around.  During the treks I don't like them so much.
We follow the group and stay a little behind them so
you don't hear the motor, so we are going super slow.  
That is when driving them is not so much fun, you tend to
fall asleep.  
We are doing well and hoping all the projects  get finished
 before the groups start coming.  Lotsof learning and training
 and hopefully lots of fun in between.