Tuesday, July 8, 2014

July 8, 2014 The Greene's Come to Visit

We were so lucky this last weekend.  We got a visit from the
Greene family.  We could hardly wait for them to come.

Climbing on the gate was the first of many adventures for them.
They loved the pot-gut, antelope, rabbits, eagles, ducks, cows,
and the best was the badgers!  They got to see three really close, even
had one HISS at them! One of their best  times 
was running around the Depot and getting the Swallows to  fly. It was
quite a sight, there are lots of Swallows nesting here!
 We offer as much fun as a trip to Disneyland.

This would be Jeff showing them the famous horse, Sliver.

He is a thoroughboard, his father is Stickateriat and his 
mother is Whispering Pines.  He got injured in a badger hole
so he has the bandage on his nose.  He delivers mail from
home to all the trekkers.

We took them up to ride the Bone Hollow Trail.  They even got 
to add some bones of their own, not theirs, some they found!

We went fishing, Sam is the only one who caught anything and
it was right when we first got there.   We never caught anymore.
Miah said it was because we let the first one go and he told 
all the other fish, "Don't eat the Worms!"  We think
she was right.  Morgan decided to try to build a forest in
the pond, as you can tell, we are lacking trees.  Maybe
we will go back there next week and there will be big
beautiful trees there!

We took them to all the special spots.  This is the Cheyenne
Social Club, No minors allowed.  We took their picture quick
before we got caught.  Inside was written a saying, 
"Due to the lack of interest, tomorrow has been canceled."

Elder Kennedy had a fun time showing the kids his collection of skulls.
Bear, wolf, antelope, mountain lion, and badger.
He let Ammon have one of his badger skulls.  Boy was
Ammon excited about that.  He is always picking up bones.
One thing about Ammon, on Saturday the day they arrived Ammon
lost a tooth so the Tooth Fairy actually visited Ammon
in Our Trailer.  That is a first for us!  The next day
Ammon found a tooth of something else, we think he
was hoping for another visit from the Fairy.

On Monday we all drove to Park City and met up with our
favorite Gib and Char.  We had a great time with them and
got to play in their neighborhood.

Sam was so excited when he finally conquered the Spider web
inflatable.  It took him a long time!  This was the result of all
that hard work.  They went on the Alpine Slide, a roller coaster,
zip line, a trampoline with training bungee's, and even a merry go round.

We had a fun time together, even Sigg was along for the fun.
Thanks for the great visit.  

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