Sunday, July 20, 2014

July 20, 2014

This is a gift from Elder and Sister Kennedy.  He carved a Elk antler
and then with a wood burning kit put the image of a bird on
it.  The bird is a curlew and we have them here on the ranch.
Elder Kennedy knew we both love this bird.

The missionaries here are so talented and we are so lucky
they like us and give us the fruit of their labors.
It pays to surround yourself with great people.
He gave this to Jeff because he was feeling bad for
Jeff and his troubles lately.  He wanted to show him
his love for him.  Can you see what I mean?
It worked, Jeff was very touched and felt great love in return.
Jeff is doing much better. We got into a Doctor in Provo
that really went out of his way to help us.  They did a MRI
and now know what the problem is and we are in the 
process of treating it with drugs hoping not to have to
use surgery.  He was able to go on trek this week
with us.  He doesn't  walk but he can drive the support 
vehicles and Ranger, that means he is with us and part of
the group.  That was a good bonus.

This week was a special one for us.  It was the Holiday North Stake
and some of the Trekkers looked so familiar to us!  My nephew Eric 
and his wife Maylene and their son Travis were on the trail with
us.  How fun to be with them each day and enjoy the chance
to visit and laugh together.

This was at the end of the Trek and look how happy they are.
Notice the pizza boxes under my feet.  I was the official box
smasher, a job I can do well.  They had pizza delivered to
the Ranch gate, I believe it was over 60 pizza's.

One of the experiences they had the kids do was to see
what it was like to walk the trail without the use of their feet. 
They quickly decided that would not be the best option.
When we think of the pains and hardships these pioneers suffered
we are all humbled by their determination.

A new experience for us on Trek, we had one of the Support
Brothers bring his Kite.  It was a fancy two handled type and 
boy could it dive and swoop down.  He was a great guy and
let us all have a try.  What a tough kite, in spite of all our
crashes it didn't break!  Another bonus, no trees to catch
the kite strings on, and lots of WIND.

Another first, a trek dog!  On Wednesday night, the first
night this dog wandered into their camp.  She was super friendly
and she decided to spend the week with the Holiday North Stake.
She would walk out front on the trail, always leading.  She loved
all the attention and the kids took turns tying their neckerchiefs
around her neck.  She was also fed WAY TO MUCH FOOD.
So on the third night we took her back to the Depot to get
her away from the food fest.

We took measures to find her owner.  She has a nice 
collar around her neck so we know she has a family.  
She is also pregnant with babies.  We had several of
the Trekkers offer to take her home and even her puppies.
Side note:  Notice the SHORT HAIR.  I won't have to have
a hair cut again for a long time!  It works good under my hat
but I look kinda naked, or hairless.

She thinks she belongs to all the missionaries.  Whoever is
out she is with them. We did find her owner on Saturday night.
They have not yet come to pick her up.  What's up with that?
She belongs to a ranch that is just East of us.
The kids named her Jack and then realized he was a she
and then they named her Jackie.  So that is what we
call her, and yes, she comes to that name.

We took her back out on Saturday and she was on the trail again.
When the carts stopped she would climb into the Ranger with Jeff
and when the carts started back up she would run to the front and
lead the way.  She chased off cows and antelope.  She truly
made this a trek memory we won't forget.

Another first for us, they brought a buffalo to help them tell the story
of Ephraim Hanks.  It was huge and the youth and their 
leaders all loved looking at it.  A man from their Stake had 
killed it last year.  He brought it up in his car so they could
use it.  Now that is going the extra mile.
We have now finished five treks and have three more
to go.  We are enjoying the experience and the many
different ways each group do the same things.
Tonight we drove to Roy Utah to go to a Trek
fireside.  It was fun to see our new friends and
to remember together the fun we had.  They gave
us a DVD filled with pictures and we were happy to
celebrate their Trek with them.  Like they
say, "Thanks for the Memories".

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