This has been a tough week. Jeff has a accident and now
he has some real pain in his hip and leg. He is seeing a doctor and
a chiropractor. He had x-ray's and they found no broken
bones so they both determined it is nerve damage. We are hoping
it is just bruised and inflamed and with time it will heal. The
down side of this is he can sit with no pain but if he stands or walks
it is difficult to bare. He is pretty discouraged and could use your
prayers in his behalf. Our assignment was changed this week
and I went with the Pratt's and their smaller Stake. Jeff was
able to rest and when he could he helped drive people out to
where we were. Sitting isn't a problem, it is just the walking.
This is the result of great minds! They didn't have a garbage can
or a holder for the bag so they "Created" this beautiful,
functional garbage holder. We all agreed if they wrote,
"Duck Dynasty" on the legs it would sell like crazy.
At one point on the Trek they wanted them to experience the
trail on bare feet. Many of the pioneers had no shoes and walked
in the brush even in snow without shoes. We helped them pick
a area without to many stickers and it was soft dirt. They only
walked about a half mile, but it was a learning experience for them.
The choice to do so was theirs to make, those with medical issues
didn't take off their shoes. No, neither did I. I figured I
will need to walk many more times.
This is a game they had with two boards. Everyone had a strap
over their shoes and they had to walk in unison it was fun to watch, they
were actually on the ground most of the time. They had
another fun game with knee high nylons and a fourth cup of flour
tied at the toe. They then would WHACK each other with the
sock leaving a noticeable Flour mark where they hit. A
pioneer paint gun game. I can't wait to try it with the kids at home.
Maybe I'll try it on the other Missionaries now, oh wait, I
already did!
On Thursday night they had dancing on the prairie. Those kids
danced for over two hours and were begging for more. It
is always amazing how they drag themselves into camp,
barely able to walk and a few hours later they are dancing
like crazy. The power of music to brighten our spirits is
so wonderful.. The dark skies held back until bedtime and then
finally rained on them. We have had four treks now and
we have had rain on everyone of those weeks! It is nice
for the dust issue and the cool cloud cover helps when
we are trekking.
This a a photo of the men leaving the women just before the
woman's pull. Every week it makes me cry as I watch
them walk away and the response the men have to the
whole experience. The women are triumphant as they
reach the top, almost energized, the men are always in tears
and very emotional. I'm trying to decide who feels
more here, the men or the women?
On Friday night they had a Sacrament Meeting as a group in
their camp site. This is a picture of three Priesthood holders
washing and preparing the trays to use for the sacrament. What
a beautiful picture this is of their reverence for the ordinance
they are preparing for. A great memory for us.
This is me with my legs gone! Half of Deb.
On Saturday morning they did a great experience for the youth
and really for everyone. They called out the names
of those who had "Died" on the trail and then had them walk
away down the trail ahead of us. It was quite a moment of
silence as we watched them leaving us behind. Each cart
lost members from their "family", one lost both their
Ma and Pa. They spoke to them about death and
what it means and where they are when they die. Just like
this, they go before us but are not gone, just out of our reach.
I know it effected me, I was crying, no sobbing really.
This Brother was playing his harmonica the song,
"Come, Come Ye Saints" WOW. I can't even begin
to explain the feelings I had as he played. What a
blessing this mission has been to us. We to are going through
trials and we to have to over come and go on. The attitude we
take will determine our choices and our experiences.
One foot step at a time.
I don't know if you can see in the center of the photo is a
handcart. It was broken and couldn't finish the trek. We
will get it next week and repair it but I wanted a memory
of that lone cart as we walked away. Again a bit of
sadness. How it must have been so difficult for the pioneers
to leave behind a loved one and move forward without them.
The pioneer stories are so filled with faith, hope,
endurance and accomplishment. I hope one day those
same things may be said of us.
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