On our trek this week we saw some new gadgets. This one
is made of PVC and is made to hold the water jug up higher so
the trekkers could have easier access to the water. It worked
really well and was very light weight, an added bonus when pulling a
cart. The Brother who was the inventor left us his two holders.
This was a cool tarp tent that was constructed really well, if fact,
the inventor is an actual "ROCKET SCIENTIST" it was made
so well it withstood the strong winds we had every day.
We think this Trekker looks like our grandson Max when he
is 12 years old! So, of course, we fell in love with him and
made him our buddy. He was a funny kid and we enjoyed
being with him. Thanks for a great trek Magna Stake. It was
their first time to trek as a Stake and so they had lots to learn.
They really did well and by the last day they were awesome.
They were our Sixth Trek, two more to go!
Saturday evening after the groups left we headed over to the Barker
Ranch for a Ward party to celebrate the 24th of July. It was
the location of Mormon Pioneer Trail that runs through the property.
These rocks are called the Needles, the Pioneers referred to them
as "Pudding Rock". It was a big landmark for the trail and an be seen
for a long distance away, like Independence Rock and Chimney Rock.
They used to be much taller and pointed but the weather has eroded
them away. They are a weird rock formation. Little rocks held
together almost like they are in cement.
The owner said he remembers them as a boy being over 20 to 30 feet
taller than they are today.
They loaded us on trailers with bales of hay on them and
drove us up closer to the original trail and the base of the
Needles. It was fun and young and old had a good time.
At one point we crossed a creek, Yellow Creek is what it is called.
The trailer was really long and we were really heavy and it
got stuck going across!
We all unloaded and then it pulled right up and across. Then
we all climbed back on board. It did give the missionaries
time to catch up and join us.
Jeff yelled out to them, "Let's see you walk on Water
Elders!" and as you can see, THEY DID!!!!
Jeff is standing up top on a rock they call Brigham's Rock.
It was here that Brigham was feeling sick from a fever and was
unable to travel with the regular company.
This is the actual meadow they camped in giving him time to
feel better. It looked like a place we would camp one of
our groups. The best part of Wyoming is that it still
looks like it did over 160 years ago!
On Sunday evening, July 27th we traveled to Wellington Utah to
attend a Post Trek Fireside. We had such a great time with the
Wellington Stake we wanted to be with them again. One of
the Trekkers gave us a gift of some original granite pieces that
come from the Salt Lake City Temple. They redid some of the
steps and he kept the extra block that was removed.
Our Ward and the Greene's sent us some get well wishes to
Jeff and we loved the treats, pillowcases and photo's.
Thank you for being so thoughtful, we really loved the
attention. We are hoping Jeff gets better soon.