Tuesday, July 29, 2014

July 29, 2014

On our trek this week we saw some new gadgets.  This one
is made of PVC and is made to hold the water jug up higher so
the trekkers could have easier access to the water.  It worked 
really well and was very light weight, an added bonus when pulling a
cart.  The Brother who was the inventor left us his two holders.

This was a cool tarp tent that was constructed really well, if fact,
the inventor is an actual "ROCKET SCIENTIST"  it was made
so well it withstood the strong winds we had every day. 

We think this Trekker looks like our grandson Max when he
is 12 years old!  So, of course, we fell in love with him and
made him our buddy.  He was a funny kid and we enjoyed
being with him.  Thanks for a great trek Magna Stake.  It was
their first time to trek as a Stake and so they had lots to learn.
They really did well and by the last day they were awesome.
They were our Sixth Trek, two more to go!

Saturday evening after the groups left we headed over to the Barker
Ranch for a Ward party to celebrate the 24th of July.  It was
the location of Mormon Pioneer Trail that runs through the property.
These rocks are called the Needles, the Pioneers referred to them
as "Pudding Rock".  It was a big landmark for the trail and an be seen
for a long distance away, like Independence Rock and Chimney Rock.

They used to be much taller and pointed but the weather has eroded
them away.  They are a weird rock formation.  Little rocks held
together almost like they are in cement.  

The owner said he remembers them as a boy being over 20 to 30 feet 
taller than they are today.

They loaded us on trailers with bales of hay on them and 
drove us up closer to the original trail and the base of the
Needles.  It was fun and young and old had a good time.

At one point we crossed a creek, Yellow Creek is what it is called.
The trailer was really long and we were really heavy and it
got stuck going across!

We all unloaded and then it pulled right up and across.  Then
we all climbed back on board.  It did give the missionaries
time to catch up and join us.

Jeff yelled out to them, "Let's see you walk on Water
Elders!"  and as you can see, THEY DID!!!!

Jeff is standing up top on a rock they call Brigham's Rock.
It was here that Brigham was feeling sick from a fever and was
unable to travel with the regular company. 

This is the actual meadow they camped in giving him time to
feel better.  It looked like a place we would camp one of
our groups.  The best part of Wyoming is that it still
looks like it did over 160 years ago!  

On Sunday evening, July 27th we traveled to Wellington Utah to
attend a Post Trek Fireside.  We had such a great time with the
Wellington Stake we wanted to be with them again.  One of 
the Trekkers gave us a gift of some original granite pieces that
come from the Salt Lake City Temple.  They redid some of the
steps and he kept the extra block that was removed.

Our Ward and the Greene's sent us some get well wishes to 
Jeff and we loved the treats, pillowcases and photo's. 
Thank you for being so thoughtful, we really loved the 
attention.  We are hoping Jeff gets better soon.

Sunday, July 20, 2014

July 20, 2014

This is a gift from Elder and Sister Kennedy.  He carved a Elk antler
and then with a wood burning kit put the image of a bird on
it.  The bird is a curlew and we have them here on the ranch.
Elder Kennedy knew we both love this bird.

The missionaries here are so talented and we are so lucky
they like us and give us the fruit of their labors.
It pays to surround yourself with great people.
He gave this to Jeff because he was feeling bad for
Jeff and his troubles lately.  He wanted to show him
his love for him.  Can you see what I mean?
It worked, Jeff was very touched and felt great love in return.
Jeff is doing much better. We got into a Doctor in Provo
that really went out of his way to help us.  They did a MRI
and now know what the problem is and we are in the 
process of treating it with drugs hoping not to have to
use surgery.  He was able to go on trek this week
with us.  He doesn't  walk but he can drive the support 
vehicles and Ranger, that means he is with us and part of
the group.  That was a good bonus.

This week was a special one for us.  It was the Holiday North Stake
and some of the Trekkers looked so familiar to us!  My nephew Eric 
and his wife Maylene and their son Travis were on the trail with
us.  How fun to be with them each day and enjoy the chance
to visit and laugh together.

This was at the end of the Trek and look how happy they are.
Notice the pizza boxes under my feet.  I was the official box
smasher, a job I can do well.  They had pizza delivered to
the Ranch gate, I believe it was over 60 pizza's.

One of the experiences they had the kids do was to see
what it was like to walk the trail without the use of their feet. 
They quickly decided that would not be the best option.
When we think of the pains and hardships these pioneers suffered
we are all humbled by their determination.

A new experience for us on Trek, we had one of the Support
Brothers bring his Kite.  It was a fancy two handled type and 
boy could it dive and swoop down.  He was a great guy and
let us all have a try.  What a tough kite, in spite of all our
crashes it didn't break!  Another bonus, no trees to catch
the kite strings on, and lots of WIND.

Another first, a trek dog!  On Wednesday night, the first
night this dog wandered into their camp.  She was super friendly
and she decided to spend the week with the Holiday North Stake.
She would walk out front on the trail, always leading.  She loved
all the attention and the kids took turns tying their neckerchiefs
around her neck.  She was also fed WAY TO MUCH FOOD.
So on the third night we took her back to the Depot to get
her away from the food fest.

We took measures to find her owner.  She has a nice 
collar around her neck so we know she has a family.  
She is also pregnant with babies.  We had several of
the Trekkers offer to take her home and even her puppies.
Side note:  Notice the SHORT HAIR.  I won't have to have
a hair cut again for a long time!  It works good under my hat
but I look kinda naked, or hairless.

She thinks she belongs to all the missionaries.  Whoever is
out she is with them. We did find her owner on Saturday night.
They have not yet come to pick her up.  What's up with that?
She belongs to a ranch that is just East of us.
The kids named her Jack and then realized he was a she
and then they named her Jackie.  So that is what we
call her, and yes, she comes to that name.

We took her back out on Saturday and she was on the trail again.
When the carts stopped she would climb into the Ranger with Jeff
and when the carts started back up she would run to the front and
lead the way.  She chased off cows and antelope.  She truly
made this a trek memory we won't forget.

Another first for us, they brought a buffalo to help them tell the story
of Ephraim Hanks.  It was huge and the youth and their 
leaders all loved looking at it.  A man from their Stake had 
killed it last year.  He brought it up in his car so they could
use it.  Now that is going the extra mile.
We have now finished five treks and have three more
to go.  We are enjoying the experience and the many
different ways each group do the same things.
Tonight we drove to Roy Utah to go to a Trek
fireside.  It was fun to see our new friends and
to remember together the fun we had.  They gave
us a DVD filled with pictures and we were happy to
celebrate their Trek with them.  Like they
say, "Thanks for the Memories".

Sunday, July 13, 2014

July 13, 2014

This has been a tough week.  Jeff has a accident and now
he has some real pain in his hip and leg.  He is seeing a doctor and 
a chiropractor.  He had x-ray's and they found no broken
bones so they both determined it is nerve damage.  We are hoping
it is just bruised and inflamed and with time it will heal.  The
down side of this is he can sit with no pain but if he stands or walks 
it is difficult to bare.  He is pretty discouraged and could use your
prayers in his behalf.  Our assignment was changed this week
and I went with the Pratt's and their smaller Stake.  Jeff was
able to rest and when he could he helped drive people out to 
where we were.  Sitting isn't a problem, it is just the walking.

 This is the result of great minds!  They didn't have a garbage can
or a holder for the bag so they "Created" this beautiful, 
functional garbage holder.  We all agreed if they wrote,
"Duck Dynasty" on the legs it would sell like crazy.

At one point on the Trek they wanted them to experience the
trail on bare feet.  Many of the pioneers had no shoes and walked 
in the brush even in snow without shoes.  We helped them pick
a area without to many stickers and it was soft dirt.  They only
walked about a half mile, but it was a learning experience for them.
The choice to do so was theirs to make, those with medical issues
didn't take off their shoes.  No, neither did I.  I figured I 
will need to walk many more times. 

This is a game they had with two boards.  Everyone had a strap
over their shoes and they had to walk in unison it was fun to watch, they
were actually on the ground most of the time.  They had 
another fun game with knee high nylons and a fourth cup of flour
tied at the toe.  They then would WHACK each other with the
sock leaving a noticeable Flour mark where they hit.  A 
pioneer paint gun game.  I can't wait to try it with the kids at home.
Maybe I'll try it on the other Missionaries now, oh wait, I 
already did!

On Thursday night they had dancing on the prairie.  Those kids
danced for over two hours and were begging for more.  It
is always amazing how they drag themselves into camp, 
barely able to walk and a few hours later they are dancing
like crazy.  The power of music to brighten our spirits is
so wonderful.. The dark skies held back until bedtime and then
finally rained on them.  We have had four treks now and
we have had rain on everyone of those weeks!  It is nice
for the dust issue and the cool cloud cover helps when
we are trekking.  

This a a photo of the men leaving the women just before the
woman's pull.  Every week it makes me cry as I watch
them walk away and the response the men have to the 
whole experience.  The women are triumphant as they
reach the top, almost energized, the men are always in tears
and very emotional.  I'm trying to decide who feels
more here, the men or the women?

On Friday night they had a Sacrament Meeting as a group in
their camp site.  This is a picture of three Priesthood holders
washing and preparing the trays to use for the sacrament.  What
a beautiful picture this is of their reverence for the ordinance
they are preparing for.  A great memory for us.

This is me with my legs gone!  Half of Deb.

On Saturday morning they did a great experience for the youth
and really for everyone.  They called out the names
of those who had "Died" on the trail and then had them walk
away down the trail ahead of us.  It was quite a moment of
silence as we watched them leaving us behind.  Each cart
lost members from their "family",  one lost both their 
Ma and Pa.  They spoke to them about death and 
what it means and where they are when they die.  Just like
this, they go before us but are not gone, just out of our reach.
I know it effected me, I was crying, no sobbing really.

This Brother was playing his harmonica the song,
"Come, Come Ye Saints"  WOW.  I can't even begin
to explain the feelings I had as he played.  What a
blessing this mission has been to us.  We to are going through
trials and we to have to over come and go on.  The attitude we
take will determine our choices and our experiences.
One foot step at a time.

I don't know if you can see in the center of the photo is a 
handcart.  It was broken and couldn't finish the trek.  We
will get it next week and repair it but I wanted a memory
of that lone cart as we walked away.  Again a bit of
sadness.  How it must have been so difficult for the pioneers
to leave behind a loved one and move forward without them.
The pioneer stories are so filled with faith, hope,
endurance and accomplishment.  I hope one day those
same things may be said of us.

Tuesday, July 8, 2014

July 8, 2014 The Greene's Come to Visit

We were so lucky this last weekend.  We got a visit from the
Greene family.  We could hardly wait for them to come.

Climbing on the gate was the first of many adventures for them.
They loved the pot-gut, antelope, rabbits, eagles, ducks, cows,
and the best was the badgers!  They got to see three really close, even
had one HISS at them! One of their best  times 
was running around the Depot and getting the Swallows to  fly. It was
quite a sight, there are lots of Swallows nesting here!
 We offer as much fun as a trip to Disneyland.

This would be Jeff showing them the famous horse, Sliver.

He is a thoroughboard, his father is Stickateriat and his 
mother is Whispering Pines.  He got injured in a badger hole
so he has the bandage on his nose.  He delivers mail from
home to all the trekkers.

We took them up to ride the Bone Hollow Trail.  They even got 
to add some bones of their own, not theirs, some they found!

We went fishing, Sam is the only one who caught anything and
it was right when we first got there.   We never caught anymore.
Miah said it was because we let the first one go and he told 
all the other fish, "Don't eat the Worms!"  We think
she was right.  Morgan decided to try to build a forest in
the pond, as you can tell, we are lacking trees.  Maybe
we will go back there next week and there will be big
beautiful trees there!

We took them to all the special spots.  This is the Cheyenne
Social Club, No minors allowed.  We took their picture quick
before we got caught.  Inside was written a saying, 
"Due to the lack of interest, tomorrow has been canceled."

Elder Kennedy had a fun time showing the kids his collection of skulls.
Bear, wolf, antelope, mountain lion, and badger.
He let Ammon have one of his badger skulls.  Boy was
Ammon excited about that.  He is always picking up bones.
One thing about Ammon, on Saturday the day they arrived Ammon
lost a tooth so the Tooth Fairy actually visited Ammon
in Our Trailer.  That is a first for us!  The next day
Ammon found a tooth of something else, we think he
was hoping for another visit from the Fairy.

On Monday we all drove to Park City and met up with our
favorite Gib and Char.  We had a great time with them and
got to play in their neighborhood.

Sam was so excited when he finally conquered the Spider web
inflatable.  It took him a long time!  This was the result of all
that hard work.  They went on the Alpine Slide, a roller coaster,
zip line, a trampoline with training bungee's, and even a merry go round.

We had a fun time together, even Sigg was along for the fun.
Thanks for the great visit.  

Saturday, July 5, 2014


This is me waiting for the Greene's to arrive.
Waiting, Waiting, Waiting!

July 5, 2014

This week were were assigned GATE DUTY!  Yep, we got
to hang around the gate waiting to let in or let out the various groups
that were coming.  Our week started early, Monday one 
group came.  Then on Tuesday two more groups arrived, all 
leaving on Thursday, July 3rd.  They came early because
of the 4th of July.  On Monday the group was
over 460 people, WOW, they looked like a city!

Look at how tall the grass is.  All the rain we have gotten
has really let things grow tall.  It was hotter this week and 
things are starting to really dry out.  I feel bad about that,
the green was so beautiful.

Monday after we were finished on the gate Jeff and I took a 
ranger and went chopping thistle and we were headed to
bone hollow to check the bone trail markers.  We came upon 
this truck.  He is a intern working on the ranch for the summer.
He decided to drive his truck over a bridge that is designed 
to hold the weight of handcarts and ATV's, well, as
you can see, not a good idea.  His wheel was totally off
the bridge and he was stuck flat on it.  He was glad
to see us.  We helped him unload his 4-wheeler, (the one
he should have been driving instead) and he left to get
help to remove the truck.  

We went back to the Depot and reported the mess, the other 
missionaries figured they could get the truck off and were
hoping to not damage the bridge anymore.  So off we went.  
They took a big railroad tie and used that to wedge under the
wheel and a jack to lift the truck up off the bridge, then they
pulled the truck off.  He had left the keys in the truck so we
drove the truck back to the depot, called the ranch and 
they had to come claim the truck.  

The sad thing is not 30 minutes earlier two couples of 
missionaries were at the bridge putting on the side boards
so hand carts wouldn't slip off the side, I guess we didn't
figure trucks would try the bridge.  We now have two 
signs up that say "ONLY HANDCARTS AND ATV'S"
We have several really old trucks we use and we thought
we should hold the ranch truck for ransom and make them
trade us their newer truck for one of ours.  Good idea right?

We went one evening to check out a pond that is on the
property.  Elder Shields had taken his grandson there a 
couple of weeks ago and they caught some big fish.  We
are expecting the Greene's to visit and thought we'd
try it out.  Jeff's fishing line was old and broke
really easy so he didn't catch any, but we know they are
there.  We watched a muskrat swimming and diving in the
 pond that was fun.

Our job this week was to water and mow the lawn.  So
we got to use the riding mower, it took us awhile to get
it running.  Jeff took his turn.

Then quickly decided it was to bumpy for him so I got to
mow most of it.  It was a great way to mow a lot of grass.

We put out flags for the 4th of July,  Danette would be
so proud of me, decorating for the holiday's!

This would be Jeff playing with the umbrella.  Not soon after
this picture he broke the umbrella playing and spinning it.

Gate duty on a hot day.  Enjoying the good life!