Sunday, July 3, 2016

July 3, 2016

This week we were not trekking so we did work around
the trek center.  We painted carts, put wheels on carts,
numbered the new carts, sprayed weeds for a full day.
Really, we sprayed 150 gallons of weed killer, not
us alone, Pearts were with us.  Then on Friday night
we slipped out and drove to Woodruff with the Pearts
and went to a Ranchers Rodeo.  Different kinds of
events.  It was fun but went really late.
On Saturday Elder Cowan and I were on the gate.
One of the groups buses didn't show.  Over 200
people stranded here, tired, dirty, hot, then wet,
(it rained on them).  Finally, they got parents to drive
up and pick them up.  A true rescue from the valley
to the handcart company.  What a ending for them.

So, I didn't take any pictures this week. nothing to good 
to film.  Here is a funny photo of two Sisters looking
out the window of the Depot at a badger.

This is them without the window blind on their heads.

One of our missionary couples left for a week to go to 
Las Vegas to visit a new granddaughter.  When they left
I hung some of my laundry on their porch.  Took a picture
and sent it to them.  I told them squatters had moved in.
She said, "Tell them to clean the toilet before they leave."
Today I received a text from her.  Tell the squatters to
leave, we are headed back.  I told her, "I've got some
good news and some bad news.  The good news, the
squatters are gone, the bad news, they took the trailer with
them when they left!'  You can never trust
a group of missionaries.

On Monday we had our Area Authority Seventy and his wife
here at the Depot.  We fed them a nice turkey dinner.
We invited the Evanston Stake Presidency and their wives to
come also.  They did and then the Presidency put on aprons and
did the dishes. We loved them in aprons.

Not to be left out, Elder Cowan put on a apron so he
could be part of the club also.  Nothing says MAN like an apron.

On one of the treks this week one group had a young man
trek with a bat man mask the whole time.  Now  that is a first.
This is Sister Barton in the photo with him.
Each week we are surprised by something
new and different.

Tomorrow we are in the Woodruff 4th of July Parade
I will try to take some photos to post next week.

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