Sunday, July 10, 2016

July 10, 2016

We trekked with the Brigham Stake this week.  A great group
of people.  They knew Jeff's uncle and aunt Lowell and Colleen
Sherratt.  They each one walked with a name of an ancestor.
Each ward had a different token with the name on it.  I 
really liked this one.  It was made of wood. 

They had a group token also.  It was for them to pass
on when they saw someone doing one of the four
things listed on it.  
T= Thankful
R= Respectful
E= Enjoyable
K= Kind
What a great idea and a fun way to serve and treat 
others with respect and kindness.

Our trek boss this week was great.  When he got into camp
each night he would put on his "Camp Shoes"
They were a soft material.  But, as he would walk thru
the grass it would catch the grass and sometimes
flowers in between his toes.  They looked funny.

This trekker loved watermelon.  We were teasing him
about getting enough.

Then his dad came along, we then understood where
he got his addiction to watermelon.
They ate a whole watermelon themselves.

We love music on the trail.  This young man is
leaving to serve a mission in Russia in about 3 weeks.
He was a great trekker and leader in his Stake.

We tell you the wind blows hard here.  This is how
this group kept their canopy from blowing away,
it worked great.

This is a Ma from the trek.  She was taking home a 
handful of the prairie grass to make bracelets for the 
youth in her trek family.  Notice the one on her wrist.
It was a beautiful weave.

This is where they took a big group picture at the end of
the trek.  Quite a cleaver idea and a way to get 
everyone in the photo.

I don't know if you can tell but this is a group of about
9 antelope.  They came down close by the trekkers
and stayed there just watching us.  We weren't moving
very fast because they were going into a deep ravine and
it was slow moving.  The others were just parked waiting
and drinking water.  The antelope stayed there for a long
time.  Usually they run off and away.  I enjoyed watching
them watch us.

A different way to pull a handcart.  They have ropes
on the two boys out front, they are like the oxen
on the trail.  We don't see this often but I have seen it before.

So last week was our 5th week of trek.  We have
4 more weeks to go.  This next week is our biggest
week so far, we will have about 1300 people here
on the trek.  Last week we had about 1100 here.
We are super dry and are all praying for rain.
The dust is about 3 to 6 inches deep in some areas.
In May we couldn't get a dry day, we were growing
mushrooms now we can't buy a tablespoon of water.
Rolling Rolling Rolling keep those trekkers going.

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