What a fun group we had this week. From Cedar City,
the Mountain View Ward came. They brought their whole
families. Anyone in the ward who wanted to come.
Because they had small children (2 Years old was the youngest)
they made coverings for the carts. We had little wagons
on trek this week.
They made a frame out of flexible water tubing.
It was really sturdy and the wind didn't harm them at all.
This little guy, we called him "Twig" became our
honorary trail boss and apprentice missionary. Elder Cowan
gave him a tag and cord so he could wear his badge like Elder Cowan.
He kept us entertained the whole week.
This cute little red head is 7 years old. Guess why I liked
her? Yep, she reminded me our Ruby. She walked
with me the first thing out of staging. She kept me
informed about all kinds of things.
This little boy was busy from sun up to sun down.
We loved watching him play.
This would be Santa Claus or Grizzly Adams or maybe
a cousin to both. They were fun to have on trek.
This would be our own US marshal. He was walking
for his ancestor who was a US marshal.
He even had a replica of the badge he would have worn.
We felt safe.
Our little trekker pulling the cart.
What a cool sight this was all week. Parents and their children
walking the trail.
Elder Cowan relaxing in a zero gravity chair.
It was really hot this week, the hottest this year.
Another photo of our favorite little trekker. He loved
the porta Johns. He would be found there playing
whenever you couldn't find him.
The wind got bad on Friday afternoon. We had to drop
the canopy to a lower height. Shade was still a
But, it was plenty crowded underneath it.
Remember, these other people haven't showered since
Wednesday, it was now Friday.
Stick pull with the cute little girls. They loved to play
all the pioneer games. They loved dancing. Elder Barton
and Elder Cowan loved dancing with the little
girls. They had to bend clear over to clap hands
with them and swing them.
Our favorite daughter Janalee sent her famous
"Satan" bread up to us with the Bairetts. She works with
him. We have been missing her and her bread.
Thanks Janalee for a great treat. We are
still eating it. We shared some of it but
NOT ALL OF IT. And each day it
gets harder and cruncher, YUM.
So today we walked our 24th trek. It is quickly coming
to an end. We find ourselves crying when we
think we won't walk these trails again.
We will miss several things for sure.
Today was a record day. The group left our staging area
at 11:10 am. That is unheard of! It is usually at least 2:00 pm,
sometimes later. We liked finishing up earlier.