Sunday, June 5, 2016

June 5, 2016

You might be wondering how we are doing?  Well, 
a picture speaks volumes!
Actually we are great.  This pic was for Candace Rowley
in Cedar City.  She had taken a selfie of her family in
their trailer they just bought.  So, I thought we should send
one to her of us, this is it!

The best part, I got up from the couch and said I must
have sat on something, it felt wet, YEP!  Jeff's
banana.  It was smashed flat, he still ate it anyway.

The little baby antelope are out and we are all getting
some photo's of them.  Soon they will be up
running with their mama's and they we see them a lot.

They lay flat when we come upon them, they
are well trained babies.  The mama's run
away from them to draw your attention to them
and away from the baby.
That doesn't work, we are looking the opposite
direction from where they are running.

On May 28, we went into Evanston in the afternoon.
Our friend Mardi, She is the Relief Society President
she drives cars in the drag races.  She wanted us to
come check her out.  Usually we can't because we are
trekking but we hadn't started yet.  So we went.
Mardi wasn't there she'd had trouble with
her car, so we missed her.  We did see an
 unusual sight.

Snowmobile drag races!  Loud and Fast is
all I can say.  It was interesting for sure.

Jeff thought he would take a spin on this motorcycle but
the little boy it belonged to said "NO"

This week we have been working on moving dirt and
rocks to repair some support roads and some trails.
This is how I work.
But, it is dangerous when the truck moves,
depending on who is driving the truck.

I've been telling you it has been raining lots, well
here is the proof.  That is a mushroom.
We have all enjoyed this last week, no rain, not a drop.
Soon we will be complaining it is to dry and dusty.

On Memorial Day we went into Evanston, all of the 
missionaries and we attended a Veterans Day Program
in the Train Round House.  It has been restored and
is a beautiful building.  The program was
great and two of our missionaries were actually
in the processional with the flags.  They are
both Army Veterans.  We were proud of
our Elders that day.  Afterwards we walked
the Bear River Walkway out to the State Park.
This is a bridge there in the Park.  It was
a great practice trek for the new 

On Friday June 3rd we went with our favorite tour guides.
Austin Moon

And her mom Colleen Moon.  We started at Fort Bridger.
This is Austin's favorite bench to sit on. 
Thanks to the Moon's for being our friends and
tour guides these past three summers.

Part of the tour takes us to a old handmade block culvert
for the train.  The train no longer goes there it was moved
several years ago closer to Evanston.  Every year
I have walked thru the tunnel out to the otherside and then 
back thru again.

It starts out you are standing but when you reach the
other side, you are crawling.  I love
doing this, (Jeff and NEVER DONE THIS).
I feel like it is my good luck charm for a great
year of trekking  So this was my third trip
thru the tunnel and I am looking forward
to another great summer of trekking.

This year was a bonus!  Besides Austin, Colleen and I,
we got 13 other missionaries to go thru it.  We 
forgot to tell them the part where it gets shorter at the
end.  And this year we had a bonus item in the 
tunnel.  A cow had been in it, and left us some
real great PIES to welcome us.
It  gets darker in there at the end and it made
it interesting avoiding the PIES.
I was so excited that many came.  I took pictures
of each one of them as they exited the culvert, and
a group shot of some of them on the other side.  
Way to go 2016  DL & L missionaries.

This is Jeff and Jim Bridger at the Fort.
Notice Jeff's eyes, he was copying the
eyes of old Jim, or maybe, just being
his normal crazed Jeff.

The loader we got from the Ranch to use was 
a great asset this week.  We found all kinds of things
to use it for.  This was a huge roll of carpet
that was donated to us to use in the upper part
of the trek center.  It was to heavy to carry up the
stairs so they decided to move it partway up
with the bucket.  Notice Jeff is not helping,
he is the official supervisor.  Luckily, no one was
hurt and the carpet is upstairs now.
We would like Santa to bring us a 
little skid loader for Christmas.

We loaded tons of gravel into flat bed trucks and
worked had to repair some bad spots.  We took it
back yesterday, all of us are sore from moving
all the rock.  But glad we did it.

This is Sister Walker.  She and Elder Walker are our
newlywed couple, six months!  She turned 80 on 
Friday.  We love them so much.  She does
cowboy poetry and has us all laughing all the 
time.  We all want to be 80 like her!
So those of you sitting at home thinking you are
to old to serve a mission, think again, you are
never to OLD. 
 Happy Birthday Sister Walker.

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