This is Megan Lewis from Nova Scotia, Canada. She was riding the Pony
Express Route from St. Joseph Missouri to San Francisco California.
She had permission to ride across the DL & L. So on Wednesday morning she
was on the ranch. Elder Cowan was lucky enough to see her and get
this photo. We didn't know she was coming thru so we are
glad he saw it and took the picture.
This is always a favorite photo for me. I love the image of
them sleeping in the grass. With their faces covered with
their hats and one leg up.
We trekked with Murray West Stake this week. We have
a rule on the ranch, NO HORSES. Like most trek groups
they didn't keep all the rules. You can see what rule was broken
here. Elder Cowan made a exception for Olga, the horse, he
let them keep her if they would keep her tied up at night,
keep her quiet and clean up after her. They complied with
all our rules and Olga finished the trail with everyone else.
Also, they couldn't use Olga to pull their cart, she could only
ride. However, there was one time they rode her all
around the carts on the trail during a water break.
Elder Cowan had to remind them of their rules, Olga
was quickly returned to her cart.
What a great family they were.
This is also another great photo every week,
In their defense it was the first day of the trek so they
weren't as smelly, but really, I know shade is great
but, REALLY?
This is a new friend for Elder Cowan, they were instant
friends, they are both 69, they love to golf,
He works with his YM's deacon group. You are
never to old to be a scout master.
This is a new pioneer game we saw on our trek this week.
We watched it and still couldn't figure out the point.
They are blindfolded and had a rolled up newspaper in
their hands. They say "Ready" and then they swipe
at the other person, hitting them. Then the other one
says, "Ready" and swats the other. They said
pioneers used sticks instead. That sounds like it would
really hurt. I'm not going to be using this game in
the future.
This was their Trek String band, what great fun they were.
The banjo made me think of my good friend Becky Eastmond
who also plays the banjo.
We had a good surprise this week. This sister's brother
trekked with us two years ago! It was our 3rd trek and
a group we truly loved. We remembered lots of the group
and they are people they knew also. In fact, on Saturday
night they were going to be with her brother so I told
them, "If he says we were terrible missionaries you tell him
how much we have IMPROVED!"
Check out the trailer full of dutch ovens they used.
The families did their cooking each night, so each family
needed a dutch oven. Lots of clean-up.
Count how many youth are in this puzzle of bodies.
It was hard to figure out whose arms and legs and heads
belonged to who.
As the Sisters began their devotional before the womans pull
this eagle made a visit. He circled the group about
three times before flying away. I heard one girl say,
"That has to be a good omen!"
This was a awesome moment. At the end of the meeting they
all stood, we linked arms and they sang "Come Unto Christ"
it was beautiful and inspiring. How lucky am I to see
these great scenes every week.
Elder Cowan took this photo from the top of the womans pull,
These are Sisters from the Kitchen crew walking from
the top down to the YW. When they finished they
walked back up at the end just like that. True friendship's
are developed on trek.
Seeing the Brothers on the ridge always looks great
and inspires the Sisters to finish. This was a long
walk. They pulled the carts 1.7 miles. They had two
big hills to climb and one big one to go down.
The top of the last hill is really steep and they have
to dig in and give it their all.
At the top of the hill the Sisters made a big circle around the
Brothers and then sang to them the song they sang at the bottom.
WOW! What a beautiful ending to the experience.
This is one of their photographers. He is quite a character.
We enjoyed visiting with him. One time I asked how do you
keep a white shirt clean on trek? He said, "It's easy to
stay clean when you don't do any work."
Then he said he learned that when he saw a thing with
three pencils, two sharp and one dull. It's easy to stay
sharp when you don't do any work. So for the first
time I feel good that I am DULL!
This is a photo showing them during their solo time.
Reading and writing in their journals by themselves.
Some choose to use their thinking time sleeping in
the meadows or on the hills.
Some use the 4x4
This young man struggled the whole trek. This is the
last day and he is falling behind, thinking this day will never
end. We kept the carts together at the final 1/4 mile, he
was put back up with his family and they put him in the
center of the pull bar and he walked in with his family.
Success at last. We love to see everyone finish.
Thanks Murray West Stake 2016.
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