Here we are waiting for our own ward to arrive on Tuesday
July 28th. It was about 2:00 pm when they got here.
It was so fun to have people we already knew and
we didn't have to memorize names or try to even remember
if we had talked with them before.
They had 60 of them including their wonderful support staff.
They had great helpers in the kitchen, porta johns and water buffalo.
One of the great things they did was what we call solo time.
They spread out on their buckets and spent some alone
time reading and writing in their journals. This was
a spot on Lake Hollow Road on Thursday morning.
They did a silent walk where they passed people who
stood on the side of the trail holding up signs with different
things written on them to inspire them to think about
their lives and the choices they are making. After the
walk they spent 30 minutes alone thinking.
Then they took family pictures in front of their carts and
at the end a big group picture of all of them.
What a great photo. I love this place.
On Friday morning we did the womans pull, Christy's Kid
Killer, lucky for all of us, no one died. Because it was
my ward I decided to push the cart all the way to the top.
Each week I walk the trail but don't push the cart with
them. But this felt different and I wanted to be a real part
of it. So I helped with the Baker Family cart.
It will be a special memory forever and one that
will always be in my heart. Thank you Willowwood
for coming here with us.!
After the pull while we were eating some lunch this is the
sky we got to see. It was amazing to look at. We all
took several pictures. I think they call it a sun dog and it
is said that when you see this it means rain in the next few days.
That was Friday, today is Monday and it has rained all day long.
This is Jeff with our two missionaries. Bret leaves in two
weeks for California and Geneal leaves in a couple of months
for Mexico City. They were such a great example to all
the youth. What service they provided to all of us.
Photo bomb by Jeff, Dee and Sue were so much fun to
have on the trek. They took care of the water truck for
us plus so many other things. Dee and Sue faithful blog readers
so I figured they deserved to see
their cute faces on the screen! Hello and THANKS!
This was our youngest trekker, 11 years old. He did
a great job and walked the whole way pushing and pulling.
At the finish they let the kids change their clothes for the bus
ride home. This one didn't want to part with his
suspenders. I think it is a great look, don't you?
The bus assigned to pick them up got wrong instructions and
drove past us and on to Fort Bridger, a hour away. So
they had to find shade and wait for the bus to turn around and
return to pick them up. As they waited they welcomed into
staging two other trek groups. They cheered them and rang
our cow bells we have. It was fun to watch them encourage
other groups. We were real proud of their attitudes.
Each morning they would go out kneel and pray by themselves.
What a beautiful picture that is. I will miss seeing that each morning.
My favorite Brenda spent all her time fixing and caring for
all the trekkers, all 59 of them. She did an amazing job and
they kept her pretty busy. Thanks Brenda for being such
a good sport and coming on Trek. I think she even enjoyed
the nights under the stars. Spending time with Brenda
made the week even better.
Saturdays finishes are always a happy day.
Willowwood spent 5 days and 4 nights with us.
We share memories that will link us forever.
On Monday, today, Ray and Georgia came and picked
us up and we drove up to see the Temple being built in
Star Valley Wyoming. We drove through Cokeville
and I decided I needed to drink a Coke in Cokeville.
Somethings are too good to miss. We rode around
the town. It rained most of the day on us and
what beautiful scenery we saw.
They have a visitor center that is a trailer there on site.
We are excited to know that this week, Aug 8 the gold
shovels goes in the ground in Cedar City!
They had a pile of rocks there for you to take. They were
from the ground where they dug the foundation. They
were offering them to each visitor, so we took one.
We will have to return in a couple of years and see the finished
building. What a great place for a Temple. Who knows,
maybe we can live there, work in the Temple. Jeff
likes it because they have a golf course, of course.
Thanks for a great day Ray and Georgia. We saw
beautiful country, talked non stop, ate great food and
have four bags of Georgia's homemade chocolate chip
cookies in our freezer, life doesn't get any better.
This is our last week of trekking, nine weeks in all.
Now we have family trek, trek training and the
work of putting everything away. How quickly the time
has passed. We miss our family but we will miss the
peace of the DL & L.
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