Friday, August 28, 2015

August 28, 2015

Last night we went the Hillyard to eat with Pres. Lester and
his family and Presidency.  The best part of the night was the
cannon.   Look at the size of it.

And, YES, they shot it off!  In goes the black powder.

Then down goes the BOWLING BALL. 

Now you have to pull it back down to aim it at the distant 
hill side.

Now you light the fuse and wait.

Then it explodes!. Wow, it was so fun.  They did
a smaller load of black powder.  You cannot believe
how high and how far the ball went.

What a beautiful place they have in the trees.

One last picture with most of the Sister Missionaries.

Here are the Platts.   They are related to the Platts we
have in Cedar City.  We like them a lot.

Today we drove up to Alpine Wyoming and then on to
the Gray River Road.  What a beautiful drive it was.
We went with the Brinkerhoff's and we left at 5:00 am.
We met up with the Kennedy's.  They are there camping
for a few days.  They wanted us to see the great mountains
where they love to spend time.

We had a great day with them and got to see some really
steep mountains and lots and lots of trees.
And the most amazing river.

We got home at 8:30 pm.  A long day but a great memory.
We are going to miss the Kennedy's next year.

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