Saturday, August 29, 2015

August 29, 2015

Today we went for a ride over to the Francis Ranch.
It sits right next to the DL &L.  We were given permission
from one of the owners to go for a ride down into their ranch.
It was fun and really pretty.  We took this picture with
on the Francis side of the gate.

Look who came to visit today.  My brother Norman and
his wife Kay and their daughter Robin.
We took them for a drive on the ranch and then we 
all ate lunch together.  I felt bad all the
pictures were put away so they didn't see
how great the place can look.

They had a fun time and were really interested in what
we do here.  We, of course, loved showing the place
to them.  We love our "PlayGround"

After they left we were all alone on the ranch.  All the
other missionaries are now gone, the last two pulled 
away today.  We are staying to attend a Post Trek Fireside
in Riverton tomorrow night.  So we went on a adventure
to look for some of the sheds Elder Kennedy has
hidden on the Ranch.

Thick brush, steep climbs, we found several of his bounty.
We left them there for someone else to find, or not!

Friday, August 28, 2015

August 28, 2015

Last night we went the Hillyard to eat with Pres. Lester and
his family and Presidency.  The best part of the night was the
cannon.   Look at the size of it.

And, YES, they shot it off!  In goes the black powder.

Then down goes the BOWLING BALL. 

Now you have to pull it back down to aim it at the distant 
hill side.

Now you light the fuse and wait.

Then it explodes!. Wow, it was so fun.  They did
a smaller load of black powder.  You cannot believe
how high and how far the ball went.

What a beautiful place they have in the trees.

One last picture with most of the Sister Missionaries.

Here are the Platts.   They are related to the Platts we
have in Cedar City.  We like them a lot.

Today we drove up to Alpine Wyoming and then on to
the Gray River Road.  What a beautiful drive it was.
We went with the Brinkerhoff's and we left at 5:00 am.
We met up with the Kennedy's.  They are there camping
for a few days.  They wanted us to see the great mountains
where they love to spend time.

We had a great day with them and got to see some really
steep mountains and lots and lots of trees.
And the most amazing river.

We got home at 8:30 pm.  A long day but a great memory.
We are going to miss the Kennedy's next year.

Saturday, August 22, 2015

August 22, 2016

Well today was a big day.  Our trek training for Treks coming
in 2016!  We had a great turn out and they said
they learned a lot.

Look at the engrossed audience!

Elder Cowan had them speechless, or asleep?

Check out Elder Cowan dancing to the music
YMCA, only it was a TREK version that Mindy Taylor
wrote for Trek.  

We had everyone dancing but I had to get a photo of
Cowan!  It is amazing what I've seen him do.

After the main training we had a mini trek for those
who wanted to have a handcart experience.  We had only
three carts go, but it was worth it for them.  They all said
how fun it was and what they felt as they pushed and
pulled a real cart.  We had several opportunities to
tell them stories and teach them what things they
could do with their own treks.

New Missionaries, the Calls from Spanish Fork.

The Howards from Emmett Idaho.   They came to be
part of the training and had a great time helping out.
Sister Howard loved telling the Trekkers that the
restrooms were the Porta Johns parked by the building.
Then she added, when you come trekking you get
to clean them also!  We think she is pretty funny.
Tonight Cowan and I are relaxing and enjoying the
end of a great season.  We have all the chairs put away
and the building is now filled with handcarts!
The end is near.

Friday, August 21, 2015

August 21, 2015

Last night we went on an adventure here on the property.
We learned we have our own fortification left from the
year 1857 when Johnsons Army was threatening to come 
invade the Saints.  So some of us headed off to see it
for ourselves.  It was, of course, up on a scary cliff
that overlooks the road below.  It was so STEEP.

We were on slippery gravel rocks and big cliffs, the
trail was not even wide enough for barely one of your feet.
At this point Sister Peart, who is in front of me is saying,
"Why exactly are we doing this?????"

After getting to the top we saw we had to drop down to 
get to the fortification, it was steep and scarier than what
we had been doing for a long time.  Four of them went down,
five of us stayed where we were.  Glad to know we didn't
have to do extra, getting back to the road was enough for
us.  At least we were hoping to get back to the road,
and not slide down and SPLAT ON THE ROAD.

Our own selfie at the top.  Could be our obituary

See their tiny figures out on the edge!!  It was absolutely
beautiful up there on top.  And look, real trees not just
sage brush.

This would be Sister Peart and I glad to be alive.  Sister
Kennedy is in the background.  What an adventure, one
we won't have to do again.

Now Jeff didn't do as well. What a dork!

We sat my camera on the top of the 4x4 and I pushed
the timed camera button, started to head for the group and
the camera was wobbling and shaking, almost to
tip over.  This is the photo I got of them laughing
at the shaking camera.

This is the final product.  We continued on to see Lost Creek and
then on the way back to our homes we were able to see
lots of deer.  We had fun spotting them and trying to
see the really BIG DADDY one, we saw a couple 
of those.

Look at the rock, it has a hole in it.  On the left of that
it has another hole but it is hidden by the bush that
is growing there.

That dark spot is the back end of a fat porcupine.
We actually saw two of them during our trip.  This one was
right next to the 4x4 and I wish my camera had been quicker.
We saw a great view of his tail spread out and the quills ready
to fire at us.
This was a fun night spent at the Ranch.

Monday, August 17, 2015

Extra Photos

I forgot to add pictures from our last trek, I am a bit behind.
Check out the little fellow between the slats.

I loved this picture.  What a classic Trek Photo.

It always pays to have a contractor on Trek with you.
A cart was coming apart and we were going to head into 
the Trek Center to get screws, Bishop had all his tools with
him and he did the job.  I think we will have to hire
him to help us out more often.

When we parked the carts for the women's pull to separate the 
boys from the girls a badger ran down into his hole.
The bad part is he kept coming back up and hissing
at the Trekkers, not Good.  So we put rocks into the 
hole and then I stood on the rocks to keep him from coming
back up.  I need to go back and look and see if
he got out or if he dug a way out or, if???????

At the end of the pull the brethren were following behind
singing hymns to them as they finished.  It was touching
as usual.  Always a special moment.

ON Friday night, the last night of Trek we had a terrible
wind storm and rain, thunder, lightening, the whole works.
We had a couple of groups get into some trouble and we
had to put them up in the Trek Center and Depot for the night.
Our group had about 1/3 of their group come in
for shelter, the others stayed out in their camp.

Another Stake brought their entire group in, about 160 of
them.  They actually left from the trek center the next morning.
Their buses picked them up and were gone by 9:00 am.
Our group went back out to camp, had breakfast, a testimony
meeting and then trekked out to staging.  We were pretty
excited they wanted to finish.

The last thing they did before trekking on Saturday morning was 
to have a Hukka dance by the Samoan Branch.
It was so great and invigorating.

Notice Elder Cowan is out there, (he is the one in the red 
ball cap), they invited him to be part of the dance because
they knew he had been to New Zealand on his mission.
We loved the Samoan's, they were the best.

Two of them actually knew several friends of our that
serve with us in the St. George Temple on Saturday mornings.
The world is a small place indeed.  What are the chances?
100 % Gary Johnson.

Not only that, this man was once a young ten year old
who played on Jeff's little league team!
What are the chances?  100%

This guy is a Gubler, related to the Gubler's we know.
He was so fun, you can tell that, right?

Check out this cute family, The tall one is 16 years old.
I look like a midget next to them.

This cute guy is leaving for a mission to Mexico, he was playing
the ukulele while trekking, a new experience for me.
I have to tell you it was so soothing to hear him playing while
we walked.  Trek is always entertaining.

Check out these two.  One is a counselor in the Stake Presidency.
Can you pick out which one it is?  Hay seed and all.  Actually, the
other brother has Parkinson's and he was amazing to watch.
He was so helpful and kind.  He had a hard time doing things. He
would say, "Don't worry, I'm just slow"  People with great courage
and love teach us to be better.  That is what I learned on trek.