I forgot to add pictures from our last trek, I am a bit behind.
Check out the little fellow between the slats.
I loved this picture. What a classic Trek Photo.
It always pays to have a contractor on Trek with you.
A cart was coming apart and we were going to head into
the Trek Center to get screws, Bishop had all his tools with
him and he did the job. I think we will have to hire
him to help us out more often.
When we parked the carts for the women's pull to separate the
boys from the girls a badger ran down into his hole.
The bad part is he kept coming back up and hissing
at the Trekkers, not Good. So we put rocks into the
hole and then I stood on the rocks to keep him from coming
back up. I need to go back and look and see if
he got out or if he dug a way out or, if???????
At the end of the pull the brethren were following behind
singing hymns to them as they finished. It was touching
as usual. Always a special moment.
ON Friday night, the last night of Trek we had a terrible
wind storm and rain, thunder, lightening, the whole works.
We had a couple of groups get into some trouble and we
had to put them up in the Trek Center and Depot for the night.
Our group had about 1/3 of their group come in
for shelter, the others stayed out in their camp.
Another Stake brought their entire group in, about 160 of
them. They actually left from the trek center the next morning.
Their buses picked them up and were gone by 9:00 am.
Our group went back out to camp, had breakfast, a testimony
meeting and then trekked out to staging. We were pretty
excited they wanted to finish.
The last thing they did before trekking on Saturday morning was
to have a Hukka dance by the Samoan Branch.
It was so great and invigorating.
Notice Elder Cowan is out there, (he is the one in the red
ball cap), they invited him to be part of the dance because
they knew he had been to New Zealand on his mission.
We loved the Samoan's, they were the best.
Two of them actually knew several friends of our that
serve with us in the St. George Temple on Saturday mornings.
The world is a small place indeed. What are the chances?
100 % Gary Johnson.
Not only that, this man was once a young ten year old
who played on Jeff's little league team!
What are the chances? 100%
This guy is a Gubler, related to the Gubler's we know.
He was so fun, you can tell that, right?
Check out this cute family, The tall one is 16 years old.
I look like a midget next to them.
This cute guy is leaving for a mission to Mexico, he was playing
the ukulele while trekking, a new experience for me.
I have to tell you it was so soothing to hear him playing while
we walked. Trek is always entertaining.
Check out these two. One is a counselor in the Stake Presidency.
Can you pick out which one it is? Hay seed and all. Actually, the
other brother has Parkinson's and he was amazing to watch.
He was so helpful and kind. He had a hard time doing things. He
would say, "Don't worry, I'm just slow" People with great courage
and love teach us to be better. That is what I learned on trek.