Sunday, June 8, 2014

June 8, 2014

Tonight we had a special fireside.  The Sisters of 
Presidents Hinckley's wife, Marjorie, came to the D.L. & L.
They are so funny and were so fun to listen to.  They came to 
share the story of their Grandmother, Mary Goble who came in the
Hunt Wagon Company, with the Martin Group.  They had with them the
actual grave marker for Mary Goble's baby sister Edith.
Edith died on the trail in November 1856.

The story of how they came to have the marker was amazing and
truly a tender mercy of the Lord.  I can't even begin to tell
you what we all felt as we listened to them talk.  It was
a moment we will never forget.  This moment was worth
all we have done to be here.

The best part was yet to come.  Afterwards they got talking about the 
city of Nephi and their family.  Jeff got thinking, he has relatives
through his Dad's mom's family, the Ingram's and there were
some Gobles in it.  He asked them the name.  He came back
to the trailer and looked on his family tree.  Jeff has been 
spending lots of time there these past weeks.  Well guess what,
the connection is there.  Jeff is a descendant of Mary Goble!
We have been looking for a connection and tonight we found it.
Gary Johnson, what are the chances?  100%

On Saturday we were able to really leave the Cowan
mark on the D.L. & L.  We have a new trail they
have been developing.  Part of the trail had a ton of 
bones laying around.  Jeff got the idea to call the area
Bone Hollow!  He started to wire a bone to the 
top of the post to mark it.  He gathered more of them and 
put faces on them with a black marker.  Well, on
Saturday we went out there with our load of
bone faces and put a face on each post.  There were
12 bone faces in all.

Here are a couple of examples of what they look like.
We laughed as we did it and hope the trekkers will laugh
as they go along the trail.  We feel like this is
our contribution to the trail.  Christy Huff has a women's 
pull trail named for her, we have Bone Hollow.

Jeff even made up words for the Song Rawhide and sang
to the other missionaries on Saturday morning.  And Friday,
our 41st anniversary he took me dancing!  Yep, We
did square dancing with the group preparing us
to teach it to the trekkers.  I am thinking that was
a great way to celebrate our anniversary, dancing to
"Oh Johnny, Oh Johnny O"

This is the pot gut I saved on Friday afternoon.  He
was stuck down in a water valve hole.  He was making
a loud yelling sound. 

I used one of the port-a-john grabbers to fish him out of the
hole.  He was hard to grab hold of and was not
cooperating with me.  When I finally got him out and
dropped him on the lawn, he just sat there looking at me.
He was all wet and yucky looking.  I said to him, "This
would be the time for you to run away."  He looked at me
and finally scampered away.  So maybe now
I could qualify to have a cape of my own!
This week, on Wednesday, we have our first trek groups
arriving!  How exciting.  Hopefully we will be
alive on Saturday, not buried along the trail, and
I will be able to post our first pictures of handcarts
on the dusty trail.  Wish us luck and hum
"Some must push and some must pull" as
you think of us this week.

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