This week we started on Thursday June 19 with the Roy Stake.
We, and they, were glad they weren't scheduled for Wednesday
because of all the snow we got. By Thursday things were
drying out and the weather was perfect for walking, walking and
walking. This is Jeff talking to them before we started.
He is in a big chute thing, I said he looked kinda like
a King Benjamin!
One of their food trucks was a actual refrigerated vendor
truck. It looked so funny out in the meadow, they even had
the open sign on and the menu posted on the window.
We liked eating with them. On the side it said,
"Greek Gallery"
This is actually from another trek. The Tremonton Stake
came and did a trek based on the experiences of the Saints
from the first Vision to Nauvoo. They built the Kirtland Temple
and then tore it down and built the Nauvoo Temple the
next day in a new site. Sister Nordick and I decided
to crash their party and see the Temple. We even got
our picture taken by one the the families. Each week
we get to see all kinds of different things.
This is our Trail Boss,Wendell Rich, aka
Captain Willie. He and Jeff celebrating a wonderful
trek, NO ONE DIED! A first for Captain Willie.
What a sight this was, the trekkers heading into the
herd of cattle. Can you begin to imagine how many
fresh cow pies there were? The calls were funny to
listen to, "Hole in the Middle, Hole on the right, Holes everywhere.
Pie in the middle, the left the right, pies everywhere.
A whole new meaning to "FRESH PIES"
Speaking of Pies, this was waiting for them at the finish
of the trek! The kids were excited to eat and the cooks
were happy to NOT COOK! Me, I got to take the leftovers
back to share with the other missionaries, or not!
This is a booklet they put together for all the trekkers
and they gave us each a copy also. At the finish they
presented to Nordicks and us a wooden plaque. Their
theme was "I am ready now." We really had a great
time with them. They were very prepared and really easy
to work with when we had to delay or change things to
get things to work. Our motto here is, "WE are Flexible"
Yep, that is me, I would now be the reigning Missionary
Queen of Trek, notice the buckskin gloves, the rodeo
wave, the dirt on the shoes and pants (Oh you can't see it?
Believe me it is there) and of course the ever winning
decoration of ticks climbing up your pants and sleeves!
I know, true beauty is hard to beat!
Here is Jeff photo bombing the guest speaker for the
fireside on Friday night. He is Richard Benedick the actor
who portrayed Ephriam Hanks in the newest movie.
He was a great speaker and how fun to see him
there, with all the others in pioneer clothes, it truly
felt like we had stepped back in time. At the end
of the evening a Sister Kirkman played the violin.
She played "Come Come Ye Saints" Wow, what
a beautiful memory that is in my mind. The county
we are in and the spirit that is here was overpowering.
I truly believe the pioneers are with us and are
celebrating our victories each day as we learn to
"Walk by Faith, one step at a time."
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