Sunday, June 29, 2014

June 29, 2014

This week we were with the Wellington Stake.  A smaller group,
only 105 people.  We were the only missionaries assigned to the
group.  Kinda scary for them!  We didn't lose any for very
long and returned safely to the place they started.
We had rain again, we are on a roll.  Rain on two treks
and snow last week.  The rain creates problems with the 
roads and getting support vehicles in and out of areas.  
Trekkers can get around pretty good, those carts can go
lots of places big trucks can't. 

We've made some great new friends and at the end of the
week we are sad to say goodbye.  It is amazing how quickly
you get close to some people.  And don't we look
good out in the prairie.

Treks have a way of binding people together.  We all
laughed, cried, learned new things and got dirty together.

This was taken on Murphy Ridge, the dust was pretty thick.
On Wednesday it was kinda warm and dry, but Thursday 
night it rained pretty good and all that dust became slimy mud.
It started to rain just as we were teaching them to dance the
Virginia Reel.  Yep, Jeff and I teaching dance, how funny
is that?  So funny it made the clouds cry with laughter.

After four days this was their group as they came back
to where they began.  As we went thru the last gate
I asked them, "You can make a choice, do you want to
go straight back to the cars or do you want to make a
hard left turn and start on the trail again?"  You
can't believe how many yelled, "Let's do it again!"
Now, that is a great pay off for us.  When they start
they are kinda not real happy, it is a "My mother made
me come" attitude.  How wonderful that at the end
they are saying how glad they are they came and how 
they wished it wouldn't end.  My hope is that they
never forget the feelings they felt here on the 
plains of the D.L. & L. 

Sunday, June 22, 2014

June 22, 2014

This week we started on Thursday June 19 with the Roy Stake.
We, and they, were glad they weren't scheduled for Wednesday
because of all the snow we got.  By Thursday things were
drying out and the weather was perfect for walking, walking and 
walking.  This is Jeff talking to them before we started.  
He is in a big chute thing, I said he looked kinda like
a King Benjamin!

One of their food trucks was a actual refrigerated vendor
truck.  It looked so funny out in the meadow, they even had
the open sign on and the menu posted on the window.
We liked eating with them.  On the side it said,
"Greek Gallery"

This is actually from another trek.  The Tremonton Stake
came and did a trek based on the experiences of the Saints
from the first Vision to Nauvoo.  They built the Kirtland Temple
and then tore it down and built the Nauvoo Temple the
next day in a new site.  Sister Nordick and I decided
to crash their party and see the Temple.  We even got
our picture taken by one the the families.  Each week
we get to see all kinds of different things.

This is our Trail Boss,Wendell Rich, aka
Captain Willie.  He and Jeff celebrating a wonderful
trek, NO ONE DIED!  A first for Captain Willie.

What a sight this was, the trekkers heading into the
herd of cattle.  Can you begin to imagine how many
fresh cow pies there were?  The calls were funny to 
listen to, "Hole in the Middle, Hole on the right, Holes everywhere.
Pie in the middle, the left the right, pies everywhere.
A whole new meaning to "FRESH PIES"

Speaking of Pies, this was waiting for them at the finish 
of the trek!  The kids were excited to eat and the cooks
were happy to NOT COOK!  Me, I got to take the leftovers
back to share with the other missionaries, or not!

This is a booklet they put together for all the trekkers
and they gave us each a copy also.  At the finish they
presented to Nordicks and us a wooden plaque.  Their
theme was "I am ready now."  We really had a great
time with them.  They were very prepared and really easy
to work with when we had to delay or change things to
get things to work.  Our motto here is, "WE are Flexible"

Yep, that is me, I would now be the reigning Missionary 
Queen of Trek, notice the buckskin gloves, the rodeo
wave, the dirt on the shoes and pants (Oh you can't see it?
Believe me it is there) and of course the ever winning
decoration of ticks climbing up your pants and sleeves!
I know, true beauty is hard to beat!

Here is Jeff photo bombing the guest speaker for the
fireside on Friday night.  He is Richard Benedick the actor
who portrayed Ephriam Hanks in the newest movie.
He was a great speaker and how fun to see him 
there, with all the others in pioneer clothes, it truly
felt like we had stepped back in time.  At the end
of the evening a Sister Kirkman played the violin.
She played "Come Come Ye Saints"  Wow, what
a beautiful memory that is in my mind.  The county
we are in and the spirit that is here was overpowering.
I truly believe the pioneers are with us and are
celebrating our victories each day as we learn to
"Walk by Faith, one step at a time."

Wednesday, June 18, 2014

June 18, 2014

This is what we did yesterday.  Our toilet valve has not
been working properly and yesterday it quit totally.  Luckily we
had gone into Ogden and purchased a new valve on
Monday.  So Jeff took it apart and after some interesting
problems we got it working.  It is never fun to work
with sewer systems.  We worked to get port-a-johns
ready also, so poop is our middle name.

We did have some bad weather yesterday, SNOW!  
June 17 and we had about 4 inches of snow.  We had
trekkers come in today.  Our group comes in on Thursday
so we are praying for sun and warmer weather.  One
good thing, no dust, just mud!  When we got up this
morning our water was frozen also.  It took a couple of hours
before it was running.

Life in Wyoming is never boring.  We continue to marvel at
how quickly we go from sun, to wind, to rain, to snow and back
again.  We are glad we have coats, shoes and warm beds at night.

Sunday, June 15, 2014

This is a excited Jeff.  On Tuesday night we went out walking with
another Missionary, Jeff found these.  We have to show them to 
the ranch, they may keep them to sell.  But doesn't Jeff
look great with horns.

This would be me completing one of my goals to become
a real trek missionary.  I can't tell you what it is, if you
don't know, that is your loss!

This is our first group as they prepare to leave.

There were about 260 people on this Trek.  That includes
all the support and kitchen people.  We had 22
carts going.  What a sight that made along the ridges.

We sure met some great youth and they inspired us in
many ways.  How fun it is to be with them.

This would be one young man catching a badger in
a hole.   (Not really, it was his hat but boy did it
look like he had a real badger.)

This would be Elder and Sister Cowan REAL

Sunday, June 8, 2014

June 8, 2014

Tonight we had a special fireside.  The Sisters of 
Presidents Hinckley's wife, Marjorie, came to the D.L. & L.
They are so funny and were so fun to listen to.  They came to 
share the story of their Grandmother, Mary Goble who came in the
Hunt Wagon Company, with the Martin Group.  They had with them the
actual grave marker for Mary Goble's baby sister Edith.
Edith died on the trail in November 1856.

The story of how they came to have the marker was amazing and
truly a tender mercy of the Lord.  I can't even begin to tell
you what we all felt as we listened to them talk.  It was
a moment we will never forget.  This moment was worth
all we have done to be here.

The best part was yet to come.  Afterwards they got talking about the 
city of Nephi and their family.  Jeff got thinking, he has relatives
through his Dad's mom's family, the Ingram's and there were
some Gobles in it.  He asked them the name.  He came back
to the trailer and looked on his family tree.  Jeff has been 
spending lots of time there these past weeks.  Well guess what,
the connection is there.  Jeff is a descendant of Mary Goble!
We have been looking for a connection and tonight we found it.
Gary Johnson, what are the chances?  100%

On Saturday we were able to really leave the Cowan
mark on the D.L. & L.  We have a new trail they
have been developing.  Part of the trail had a ton of 
bones laying around.  Jeff got the idea to call the area
Bone Hollow!  He started to wire a bone to the 
top of the post to mark it.  He gathered more of them and 
put faces on them with a black marker.  Well, on
Saturday we went out there with our load of
bone faces and put a face on each post.  There were
12 bone faces in all.

Here are a couple of examples of what they look like.
We laughed as we did it and hope the trekkers will laugh
as they go along the trail.  We feel like this is
our contribution to the trail.  Christy Huff has a women's 
pull trail named for her, we have Bone Hollow.

Jeff even made up words for the Song Rawhide and sang
to the other missionaries on Saturday morning.  And Friday,
our 41st anniversary he took me dancing!  Yep, We
did square dancing with the group preparing us
to teach it to the trekkers.  I am thinking that was
a great way to celebrate our anniversary, dancing to
"Oh Johnny, Oh Johnny O"

This is the pot gut I saved on Friday afternoon.  He
was stuck down in a water valve hole.  He was making
a loud yelling sound. 

I used one of the port-a-john grabbers to fish him out of the
hole.  He was hard to grab hold of and was not
cooperating with me.  When I finally got him out and
dropped him on the lawn, he just sat there looking at me.
He was all wet and yucky looking.  I said to him, "This
would be the time for you to run away."  He looked at me
and finally scampered away.  So maybe now
I could qualify to have a cape of my own!
This week, on Wednesday, we have our first trek groups
arriving!  How exciting.  Hopefully we will be
alive on Saturday, not buried along the trail, and
I will be able to post our first pictures of handcarts
on the dusty trail.  Wish us luck and hum
"Some must push and some must pull" as
you think of us this week.

Thursday, June 5, 2014

June 5,2014 add on

I forgot the best picture.  We finally got a picture of 
the baby antelope.  These two were standing on the 
road as we approached.  They were so scared they
didn't know which way to run.

 This blurry pictures is them running up the hill.  Mama
was coming from the other direction.  We are
hoping we will get to see them more the bigger they get.

June 5, 2014

This would be our professional John Pit Crew ready and
waiting to report for DUTY!  Don't you feel bad
you're not part of this crew?

I know the 4th of July is a month away, but doesn't that look
like a parade getting ready to start?  Really?  It brings tears
to my eyes!  Can't you hear the cannons booming?
The band playing?  The firecrackers popping?

We went to the Oquirrh Mountain Temple today.
Check out Elder Nordick trying to photo Bomb our picture!
He needs to take lessons from a Pro!

This would be the pro, Elder Cowan in the back of
the picture of the Shields.  What a fun day we had.

And this would be what I found in our mail slot.  
Would you say it was a gift?  A bill? A thank you card?
A tasty new food just put out on the market and they
are sending free samples?  I don't know.  Could you send
me your thoughts?  I do know we were the only
ones to receive one so it must be special, right?

Tuesday, June 3, 2014

Big news June 3, 2014

Jeff just got home he went with Elder Kennedy out to look
For wildlife.  They hit the jackpot!  He saw two moose!
As you can see, no pictures it was near dusk and way far away.
They were looking through a spotting scope.  Just know, he was 
pretty excited.  They also saw several elk.  Big night on the D.L. &L.

June 3, 2014

We went on a field trip today to visit some of the
pioneer historical sites around Evanston.  This is Muddy
Creek, a private Ranch runs a trek group like ours.
They had a cart sitting there by the meadow area.

Our Elders were so interested in how their carts were made.
There was some real inspections going on.

This is a sign for the area.  It says Muddy Creek Campground
Mormon Pioneers July 9, 1847

We were on the trail that Brigham Young took when 
they first came to Utah.

This is one of three graves there at Muddy Creek.  It
is for Catherine Jones Bennett 1860.  She was
part of a ox cart company.  While we were looking at the
grave some of her family came to visit the grave for
the first time.  They live in Holden Utah and we actually knew
lots of their family.  It was fun to be with them as 
they saw for the first time the head stone and realized how
many people see it every year.

This would be Jeff hiding from the trespass police!

They had some of these Hand Cart Crossing Signs, they
looked fun.

We took a lunch break at Pioneer hollow.  There 
were cow pies everywhere and they were "FRESHER"
than our lunches.

We hiked up to a site where Philo Dibble Jr and carved
his name into the sand stone on a cliff.  It is dated
Nov 24, 1857.  They were there watching for Johnson's
army.  We could see some wagon markings on some rock close by.

This is Jeff climbing, or trying, to climb a Kiln.  They
had three right there together they had reconstructed.
This used to be a important supplier of briquettes for the
area.  The area is Piedmont Kilns.

We were right by the original train tracks and this is a hand
made culvert that was placed under the tracks.  I climbed 
thru from one side to the other.  It was taller on the other side
and tapered down on this side, so as you can see I 
was on my knees.  Jeff did not see the fun in going
inside.  What a loss for him!

Sorry Ray, this would be that clean truck you spent time with
Jeff cleaning just yesterday!  I tried to take a picture of the whole
truck but it didn't do it justice.  You know, those white vehicles
just don't show the dirt!  But, trust me, it is no longer clean
and shiny.   I do know, if trucks could talk he would say,
"Boy did I have a great time on the Pioneer Trail!
Brigham has no room to brag, we went on that trail
lots faster than his group went over 167 years ago."