This week we were with the Wellington Stake. A smaller group,
only 105 people. We were the only missionaries assigned to the
group. Kinda scary for them! We didn't lose any for very
long and returned safely to the place they started.
We had rain again, we are on a roll. Rain on two treks
and snow last week. The rain creates problems with the
roads and getting support vehicles in and out of areas.
Trekkers can get around pretty good, those carts can go
lots of places big trucks can't.
We've made some great new friends and at the end of the
week we are sad to say goodbye. It is amazing how quickly
you get close to some people. And don't we look
good out in the prairie.
Treks have a way of binding people together. We all
laughed, cried, learned new things and got dirty together.
This was taken on Murphy Ridge, the dust was pretty thick.
On Wednesday it was kinda warm and dry, but Thursday
night it rained pretty good and all that dust became slimy mud.
It started to rain just as we were teaching them to dance the
Virginia Reel. Yep, Jeff and I teaching dance, how funny
is that? So funny it made the clouds cry with laughter.
After four days this was their group as they came back
to where they began. As we went thru the last gate
I asked them, "You can make a choice, do you want to
go straight back to the cars or do you want to make a
hard left turn and start on the trail again?" You
can't believe how many yelled, "Let's do it again!"
Now, that is a great pay off for us. When they start
they are kinda not real happy, it is a "My mother made
me come" attitude. How wonderful that at the end
they are saying how glad they are they came and how
they wished it wouldn't end. My hope is that they
never forget the feelings they felt here on the
plains of the D.L. & L.