Sunday, August 21, 2016

August 21, 2016

We were blessed this week by the Evanston Stake.
They did another service project for us at the Ranch.
They are the best Stake to do things for the trek.
We love them all so much.

They took the old wood slats off the barn and got it
ready to put metal siding on it.
This is Jauran and his son Taylor Dennis, they are some
of our favorites.

This President Platt who is a counselor in the Stake President.
He was the project manager and was there everyday.

They brought Grandpa's, Son's and Grandson's to work.

This is up to high for me.  They loved it.

This is crazy.

The new metal looks  wonderful and sturdy.

President Platt was so happy up high.  He loved to
run the levers to go up and down.

Again another Picture of the Martins.

Here is President Nixon.  He is the Branch President of the
single branch here in Evanston.  When the dairy barn
was built he helped to paint the blue paint on it and
now he is covering it.  What a legacy of service.
We love the people of Evanston and love the example
they have shown us.

Tuesday, August 16, 2016

August 16, 2016

Great week, we had family trek.  Miah and I look 
awesome in our pioneer dresses.

Little Ruby in her dress.

Look how great Gib looked.

Family Photo, everyone there except Kendrick.
Plus we had Katie's Nephew Crawford with us also.

The kids had a good time pulling the cart, for a little while.

What a great memory for us.

Some must push and some must pull and some just ride.

Haelly looking fine.

Old pioneer men on trek.

When the boys got tired of pulling they started looking for
bones.  They found a treasure, a full vertebrae in the dirt.
They used Quinn's pocket knife to excavate the six vertebrae.
Yes, they took them home with them.

Sam in a badger hole. After this picture he disappeared, we
never saw him again.

A family who treks together, stays together.

After the trek we went into Evanston to the drag race trek.
There we watched our new friends race their car.  It was being
driven by 14 year old Payton.  She was awesome.
Her dad took time to tell all of us about the car.
Payton is dressed and ready to race.

This is just before she started the car.

Isn't that the coolest car.  She set a track record that day.
She went 139 mph and start to finish in 5.01 seconds.
What a great day for us.

They let all the kids climb inside and sit.  Here is Sam.






Next we headed to Bear River State Park to play.

They had fun digging in the sand.

Digging in the sand.

Jackson found and caught a small fish.
They caught several frogs also.

Ruby sunning herself.
Notice the sandy feet.

Morgan and Zach

Michael, Jeff and Jeremiah.

Ruby and Sully, what a pair.

This was a final activity, playing in the trek center.
Cousins are so fun.

On Thursday we went on a history tour with our friend
Ryan Richens.  We love going each year with him.
Seeing the pioneer trail never gets old.

This is the trail from Mormon flat to Big Mountain, the last big climb for them.

Yep, Life on the trail is always fun.

Trip to the Brigham City Tabernacle on Wednesday.
The temple was closed so we went on to the Ogden Temple.
But, first we made a stop at Maddox's for a great lunch.

Last night we made the trip out to Lester's Ranch for a 
final party  with the Evanston Stake Presidency.  They
fed us ribs, ribs, ribs, and then we were blessed to 
watch several bowling balls shoot out of their cannon.
Truly, the people of Wyoming know  how to play.
Thanks for a great season.  We love you.
We finished the night with a fireside and testimony meeting
with Elder Durham our new area Authority Seventy and his wife Mary.
They loved the POWER BOWLING also.

One last photo.  A porta john on a train.  Wow, life can't
get much better.

Sunday, August 7, 2016

August 7, 2016

Last Trek of the Season, Last Trek for Elder Cowan and I.
Layton Hills Stake.  A group of about 300 people.
They were only a 3 day trek so they didn't arrive until
Thursday.  I don't like 3 day treks.  I think they are missing
the best night of all, the 3rd night is when the kids really
are in touch with the spirit and they are so much closer and
happier.  Oh well, it meant one less pulled pork dinner for us.

This young man brought his bugle to play.  He woke them
up each morning and played when they would begin trekking again
after a stop.  He was great.

Just a shot of some cool long grass.  I figure it looked way
better to me on the hillside than to you on this computer screen.
This is what I will really miss, the big open space, the 
quiet and the feeling of peace found in the landscape.

This is Elder Cowan driving the 4x4 on a piece of trail on
trail 7 that I don't like to drive on.  I don't mind climbing
and walking the hill but I hate the slanted tip of the road.

Take note of the wheel off the ground!!  See why I
always walk this piece of trail.

This group was wonderful with musical talent.

They would sit in the middle of the meadow and just start playing.
Elder Higginson joined in with his harmonica.  It is a 
harmonica his father played and he now has possession of it.
The YM with the flute is a new Elder, he is going to
Columbia on a mission in Oct and starts working in the
Temple as an Ordinance worker this next Tuesday.

This was a lesson in playing the accordion.  They were
there for over an hour.

This group slept in tarps.  The first night they were
not the best, but on the 2nd night they got really good.

Only short people could sleep in these.

Great use of their handcart.  Our carts like it best when
they get to sleep under a tarp and not out in the open.

Again, another design using the cart as the frame.

Elder Cowan spotted this group of young men and said,
"I wonder what that posse of boys are up to?"
We went to inquire.  What a great thing they were

They had a rock they had written on it said something about,
"Will you go to the Hoe Down and ROCK with me?"

The young women had a cow pie wrapped in Plastic wrap 
that said, " Can't wait to see your MOOVES"

 The boy would ask the girl with the rock, she would 
reply with the cow pie. It was so fun watching them.
They would find boys who were shy and they would
strongly encourage them to be brave and ask a girl.

Each time they would get down on their knee and ask.
This went on for over an hour.
Kids can really be entertaining when they don't have
cell phones and i pads with them.

This was a derby hat that one of the trekkers wore everyday
We all thought he looked like an Irish trekker.  To bad,
I didn't take a photo of his total outfit, it was classic.

On trek we don't let the trekkers use our cart ropes
for jumping rope.  Each rope costs about $30.00 to make.
Jumping them wears them out quicker. 
But, this was our last trek and all of us were tired of saying,
NO.  So we all decided to ignore the jumping.
We were happy and they were happy.
Next year the Pearts might not be happy with us when
the ropes are frayed.  Oh well, as they say, 
"I guess they can fire me."

We had three couples on this trek.  Brinkerhoff's,
Higginson's and us.  All of us are not returning next
year so this was our last time to trek. 
We had a great time laughing together and
enjoying the talk of all the crazy and wonderful
things we have been able to experience. This
photo was on Saturday just before the group
left from staging to go home.
I think we all look pretty happy, satisfied, content.

This photo was taken on Saturday morning right 
after Prayer meeting.  Left to right is
Brinkerhoff's, Pearts, Higginson's,  Us, and
Johnson's.  They all started last year, now we
will all be leaving except for the Pearts.  They
are taking our place as the Directors and they
will serve for two more years.  We know they will
do a great job.  We know this because we have been
teaching them all summer what to do.
We are all happy,  2016 trekking was a success. 
O.D.D.  Operation Don't Die was the plan and we
made it without one loss.  
The next two weeks are cleanup and trek training for 
the treks in 2017.  We are almost finished.