On Tuesday we were actually able to take the new missionaries
out for their first trail ride in the 4x4's. They had a ball.
Several said this is the best mission ever and think they are the
luckiest people in the world. It is fun to watch these couples
spending time everyday with each other and playing
and enjoying life. It is like watching a new young couple
discover themselves in love. For three years I've
watched this happen and I always smile when it happens again.
So getting old isn't all bad!
Elder Cowan and I love to put bones on posts. It is our
signature on the ranch. When we trek it is fun to
tell the youth it is trekkers we lost along the way.
A way for us to remember them.
I think I love Jeff best when he has a bone mask. Ammon
loves to wear bone masks also.
This is a sign that we made the first year we were here. I wrote
the words. Today we were writing them again so you could read
them. As I wrote I thought, this will be the last time.
We took the time to cherish the moment and remember the
many adventures we have shared together here at DL & L.
Gross picture, right? This is my head. On Saturday we drove into
Evanston to buy supplies. One of the items were several pieces
of angle iron for welding safety bars on the porta john's.
The iron was longer than the truck bed and I kept worrying about
something running into it. We got all the way home, to the gate.
I got out, unlocked the gate and Jeff drove the truck through.
I locked the lock and was walking back to my side of the
truck to get in, I WAS NOT LOOKING UP, BUT AT THE
I walked smack into the end of the iron, hard. It
threw me down to the ground hard. My head was bleeding, I was
totally down. Jeff saw it in the side mirror. He came running,
he thought my head would be scalped. Luckily for me, no
a tender mercy for me from God, I was okay. It sliced my head,
and I had a dandy headache, and a sore body from the hard hit to the
ground. I now have a war wound to remember 2016 at
the ranch. The motto is the words of Pres Monson "It's better to
look up." I will in the future.
Look at the mother's day gift in church I got this year.
The first time I've gotten chocolate in church, it is usually
a plant or a book. This is the best, what says love
better than chocolate?
We are beginning to look like a water park here.
The rains are never going to quit.
Every May I say, "Where is the sun?"
When it is dusty this summer I will be praying for the rain.
Our Sunday dinner today was great. Because it is Mothers
Day the Elders waited to get food until after the Sisters
had gone first. They all stood there in a row looking, and
watching us get our food. We had to take a picture. They
remind me of the sea gulls that line the camps waiting for
the trekkers to leave each morning.
After dinner they all did the dishes What a fun thing
for them to do.
After dinner we Sisters spent the time visiting. It was so nice for
us. We should do this every week.
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