Sunday, May 29, 2016

more pictures for May 29, 2016

I found my other pictures.  This is what the antelope left
for us next to our trailer.  What a great gift.

We are always finding mylar balloons stuck in the sage
brush.  We found this huge letter S this week.
That is the biggest balloon I've found.  So maybe
you know who sent this off?

We went for a drive in one of our little mini trucks, Chip.
It was wet and we pulled off to the side of the road, Jeff didn't want
to but I convinced him we shouldn't park in the middle of the road.
Well we went right into a badger hole.  Lucky for us
the truck has four wheel drive and we got out fine.
Either way I figured we could pick up the truck and move it,
"It's little!  Right?"

May 29, 2016

We had a visitor several times this week.

He would come right next to the trailers.

We had a great visit this week with Joanne Baird and 
Dorene Lloyd, they are the sisters to Marjorie Hinckley.
They come every year to the Ranch to share their
stories from their family history.  Mary Goble Pay was
with the Hunt wagon company that traveled with
the Martin handcart company.
We love their stories and them.

This year we got to go to the Guild Ranch that has several
miles of the original trail on their property.  We were
able to be with the Pay Sisters as they visited these
pioneer sites for the first time.  
Being on the actual ground your ancestors stood on
brings such emotions.

We will forever hold this moment of time in our memories.

Sunday, May 22, 2016

May 22, 2016

Sorry I didn't post last week, too many things going on and no
time to post the pictures.  On a walk one afternoon, it was actually
TOMORROW.  I found a badger skull.  I was so excited
to start my own skull collection.

On Sunday May 15, Elder & Sister Kennedy brought Clark
Kelly Price for a fireside and I got to show him my
skull.  He has a huge collection and he was so excited
and proud of my little find.  We really miss the Kennedy's
this year.  They were always a lot of fun.

On Monday May 16, Ray and Georgia stopped by on their
way to travel the whole western United States in four days.
We were lucky enough to have them eat breakfast with
us before getting serious about the driving. We love
Jody's restaurant they have great food.

I'm not kidding, they truly drove a ton of miles in four days.

The Stratton's, Dee and Sue, sent us a care package
from Cedar City.  Of course, it was a critical package.
It contained the basic necessities of life, 
Thanks for thinking of us, we don't deserve your
love and kindness.  You two are great.

This guy came on a route review this week, he is with
a group that isn't ours, but still, we had to take his
picture.  He is a direct relative of the Moss who
developed the Deseret Land & Livestock Ranch in the
1800's.  It was fun for him to see the old shearing
corrals next to our trailers. 

This is Clark Kelly Price.  He is a famous painter of western
art and lots of church paintings.  He is wonderful to listen to
and very interesting.  We heard from him in 2014 and were so
glad to get him back this year.  Look up his art work, you
will be amazed at how beautiful his work is and how
many of his paintings you have seen.

On Wednesday May 18th Elder and Sister Johnson were
finally able to come to the mission.  They live in Evanston
and served with us last year.  He has been really sick
and unable to come out with us.  All of us were so excited
to see them.  He is doing much better and we hope they
will be able to move their trailer out here this next week.
We love them lots.

Here we are at our Prayer Meeting on May 18, 2016.
First time we have had all eleven couples there together.

That night we had our own campfire cook out.
Pearts brought their fire cooker and we combined
our food and had a hotdog roast.  It was fun.  We
sat under our new building so we were out of the wind.
One Sister said to me, "I never realized a Mission
could be so fun!  This is the best Mission ever."
How right she is.  A campfire is truly close
to heaven.

On Thursday May 19, we were visited by Elder Lynn
Summerhay's (now just Brother Summerhay's he has been
released in April), Elder Mark Durham, our new area
Authority Seventy and President Platt, (he is a counselor
in the Evanston Stake).  Brother Summerhays brought
Elder Durham up to meet us and show him the 
DL & L and what we are all about.  He was
really nice and quite impressed with what we are doing
here.  We hope to see him again a couple of times
this summer.  

We are going to miss Elder Summerhays.  He
has been amazing to work with and has touched
our hearts several times.  We love his laugh and
his big smile.  He even kissed Elder Cowan on top
of the head.  It was a funny moment because only
Elder Cowan and I knew what he was doing.  In
August 2014 when he was here he kissed Elder Pratt
on the head as a good bye, it was so funny.  We
were the replacements for the Pratts.  So this was 
Jeff's farewell kiss also.  

This is a nest we found on the ground on Saturday.  It is
just out in the grass by the trek center.  Hope the badger that
is living close by doesn't find them!  And that badger, I wish
I had a picture.  He runs around here right by our trailers and
doesn't act the least bit scared of us.  He also puts his tail up like
a dogs tail, he looks like a dog running in the grass.  In fact,
he looks like Jack running in the grass.  I will try to
get a picture of him.

How funny for us.  This year it is Cowan and I teaching the
new missionaries the hoe down dances.  Elder Nordgren
always did the teaching and they are not here this year.

What things we have learned to do on this mission.

On Tuesday May 17, we all went to Payson to go to the
Temple. What a great day that was.  We have found that if
we take time to do spiritual things the work projects go so
much better.  Most of the Missionaries are Ordinance workers
and so we are all missing being in the Temple every week.
Besides, it was raining again!

On Thursday May 12, we were visited by Jolene Allphin.
She is a author and we use her book "Tell My Story Too"
in our mission everyday.  We have now heard her speak
three times and I never grow tired of hearing her stories and
her testimony.  She is someone I will miss not seeing every
summer.  Hopefully we will cross paths again.

Check out how cool Elder Cowan looks in his new Cowboy
Hat he bought in Murdoch's in Evanston.  He looks like
a local.  We love Evanston, we will forever love Evanston.

Sunday, May 8, 2016

Sunday May 8, 2016 Mother's Day

On Tuesday we were actually able to take the new missionaries
out for their first trail ride in the 4x4's.  They had a ball.
Several said this is the best mission ever and think they are the
luckiest people in the world.  It is fun to watch these couples
spending time everyday with each other and playing
and enjoying life.  It is like watching a new young couple
discover themselves in love.  For three years I've 
watched this happen and I always smile when it happens again.
So getting old isn't all bad!

Elder Cowan and I love to put bones on posts.  It is our
signature on the ranch.  When we trek it is fun to 
tell the youth it is trekkers we lost along the way.  
A way for us to remember them.

I think I love Jeff best when he has a bone mask.  Ammon
loves to wear bone masks also.

This is a sign that we made the first year we were here.  I wrote
the words.  Today we were writing them again so you could read
them.  As I wrote I thought, this will be the last time.  
We took the time to cherish the moment and remember the
many adventures we have shared together here at DL & L.

Gross picture, right?  This is my head.  On Saturday we drove into
Evanston to buy supplies.  One of the items were several pieces
of angle iron for welding safety bars on the porta john's.  
The iron was longer than the truck bed and I kept worrying about
something running into it.  We got all the way home, to the gate.
I got out, unlocked the gate and Jeff drove the truck through.
I locked the lock and was walking back to my side of the
truck to get in, I WAS NOT LOOKING UP, BUT AT THE
I walked smack into the end of the iron, hard.  It
threw me down to the ground hard.  My head was bleeding, I was
totally down.  Jeff saw it in the side mirror.  He came running,
he thought my head would be scalped.  Luckily for me, no
a tender mercy for me from God, I was okay.  It sliced my head, 
and I had a dandy headache, and a sore body from the hard hit to the
ground.  I now have a war wound to remember 2016 at
the ranch.  The motto is the words of Pres Monson "It's better to
look up."  I will in the future.

Look at the mother's day gift in church I got this year.
The first time I've gotten chocolate in church, it is usually
a plant or a book.  This is the best, what says love
better than chocolate?

We are beginning to look like a water park here.
The rains are never going to quit.

 Every May I say, "Where is the sun?"

When it is dusty this summer I will be praying for the rain.

Our Sunday dinner today was great.  Because it is Mothers
Day the Elders waited to get food until after the Sisters
had gone first.  They all stood there in a row looking, and
watching us get our food.  We had to take a picture.  They
remind me of the sea gulls that line the camps waiting for
the trekkers to leave each morning.

After dinner they all did the dishes  What a fun thing 
for them to do.

After dinner we Sisters spent the time visiting.  It was so nice for
us. We should do this every week.