It is time again to return to our favorite BIG PLAY GROUND.
We left on April 18, 2016. Loading the trailer, hooking it all
all seemed easier and less stressful.
Stella is our trailer. She was way happy to be on the
road again and not parked at the side of the garage.
The trip up went great. We stopped at our favorite Macy parking
lot and had a lunch with Ray and Georgia. That is always a
highlight to the journey. Then up Provo Canyon and on to
the ranch. We arrived about 4:00 pm. The first to arrive.
Elder and Sister Peart got there about 7:00 pm.
Morgan's family put pennies in our trailer so when we come upon
them we would think of them. WE THINK OF THEM OFTEN!
We left some at our house for them to find, so they will think of us.
That is the hard part of the mission. We miss our family. Face Time
is a great way to stay connected. We are actually closer to Gib and
Char. We went to Park City on Tuesday night to visit with
them and take Gib for a birthday dinner.
Little bit of snow in front of our new building We
were excited to see it was still standing, Evanston stake you
are the BEST.
We did find a bad thing. Big RATS built nests in the
engines of all our trucks! BIG NESTS, full of rocks, twigs,
weeds, crap in general. We had put moth balls in the cab of
each truck to keep them out and that worked. They at least didn't
nest in the inside of the truck, (we had one last year that was
that way, YUCK, Yuck, YUCK).
Our great missionaries go the nests cleaned out and all but
one truck started. They were concerned about the rats
eating the electrical wires. Heavenly Father helped us out, they
didn't. We are going to have to figure a way to prevent
them from doing this each year. They decided to park the
trucks inside the building and will have to have some
handcarts outside where the trucks are parked.
Rats can't do as much damage to a handcart as they
can to a vehicle.
We have 11 couples with us this year. In 2014 there was
8 couples, 2015, 10 couples and now 11. We are growing
in numbers as we figure out what works best. Last year was
a hard year, we had no open weeks and everyone was trekking every
week. If there was a illness, or problem we had no extra cushion to
work with. Things will be much better this year. Our missionaries
arrived on Thursday and they have had a busy few days getting
set up. We were able on Saturday to drive the main roads and
get them confused. The weather is bad this next week, Surprise,
so getting out on the trails will be difficult. So it will be indoor
training for them. Probably a trip to the Payson Temple also.
Elder and Sister Yates from Virginia were with us last year, but
because of medical concerns could not serve again this year. We
will miss them so much. They got her sister to come in their place
and came to get them into the trailer they sold them. Sister Yates
brought us some "Vitamins" to keep us healthy, "One a Day", well
it's only been four days since they left and the container is
So begins our next adventure. Be sure to check out the journey with us.
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