Monday, June 22, 2015

June 22, 2015

Last week the group I was with, Layton East Stake, gave
away buttons.  Each family had a button and they were
giving and trading them all week.  I was able to collect a
few myself.

My favorite ones were "Fear Not" and "Don't squat with
your Spurs On."  I gave a few away to trekkers this
week, but the squat button is mine to keep.

Our group this week was South Jordan Country Crossing Stake.
They were almost 600 people!  They had 43 handcarts.
They make quite a picture as the carts moved along the ridges.
They arrived in ten buses and the support crew arrived in
several vehicles.  They had 17 support vehicles out on the
trail with us.  We were our won parade.

This is their food truck.  It is totally breaking the rules.
We have a rule about duel wheels, and the size of the trucks.
What could we do?  It had all their food in it so we allowed
them to follow the truck.  It worked out okay, we loved
the driver and his wife.  We had a great time with them.

Last week it was rainy and colder.  This week it was hot, dusty
and dry.  Check out some of the great shade ideas they
 came up with.  

We love watching how cleaver they are with their carts and tarps.

This blurry picture is Sister Higginson and I enjoying a cool
afternoon inside the big Refrigerator Truck.
We found a cold drink and some beef jerky.  We
couldn't resist taking a "selfie" of the moment.

Our sunsets are so beautiful.  They make me smile
every time and take my breath away.

This is a picture of the 43 carts waiting for the young
women to begin the womens pull.  What a sight.

Today on Monday June 22, Jeff and I drove up to Mirror
Lake in the Uinta's.  It was a great pday activity.
Not to much traffic so it make it pleasant driving.
We saw trees, heard the sound of leaves, WOWO

They were dumping in fish to prepare for the July 4th
week end.

This is called Provo Falls, they were really beautiful.
We have never been here so it was a fun trip for us to take.

We think the grand kids would love playing on the
rocks and in the water.

Coming home we drove thru Kamas and Peoa.  There is
a little cemetery in Peoa.  We were told to look for
a certain headstone.  We found it!

It says, "Brooks Participated in the martyrdom of the Prophet
Joseph Smith."  After Brooks died a big boulder
fell on his tombstone and mashed it completely under it.
The members here said it was to keep him in the ground
during the resurrection.  We thought the story was
made up, but today we actually found the stone.
 So we are looking at our number 3 trek, a way smaller group,
Only 150 people, about 16 carts, it will feel like
nothing, we can almost spit from the first cart to
the last!  I have been offering the groups a bounce back
deal, they can return the following Wednesday for
half price, but they have to continue their "shower fast" 
until they get back home.  It always makes them smile.
I will be watching Wednesday to see if any return!!!!!

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