We just finished a trek with the Logan Stake. This was the
Trek boss, he carried his saddle bags with him on
every step of the trek. We didn't let him bring his horse so
I guess this was the next best thing.
This is Elder Yates he is from Virgina. He is so fun. On the
first leg of the Trek he led out. I was out in the 4 wheeler back
behind the group, I was daydreaming, I come around the corner and
I see them up on a hill, not on the bottom going around the bend.
It takes me a few moments to think, "We don't go up a hill here"
Then I realize he has taken the wrong trail and is headed up
trail 28! I talk on the radio, come back down, that is not
the right trail. He was a good sport about it, so were the
trekkers. So I put a compass button on him that I had
been given the first week. He says now he has the
golden compass he won't get lost anymore.
This is a horny toad I picked up on the trail for the kids.
They named it "Little Foot" because he had such small feet.
The girl is Ruby, of course, this meant I loved her lots.
She isn't a red head like my Ruby but she was a fun girl.
This girl got blisters on the back of her heel the first day.
So she figured out a way to make her shoes heel less and
it actually worked. We told her she should copyright it.
I took this picture of myself. This is what I see everyday
as I stand listening to the different groups. I thought I would
share with you the view.
This young man went on Trek with us this week. He
was a real trooper and survived the heat and the bumps.
What awesome kids worked with him to pull his
handcart and care for him. We saw such great acts of
service all week.
This was their photographer, I see them every week
in all kinds of poses. Pictures of the trek are an important
part of the week.
This is the tall grass. All the rain we got this spring
made everything grow. We need some more, it is so
hot and dry we worry about fire and dry grass, tall dry grass.
This is their trail boss showing off his whip skills. Boy
could he make that whip crack and pop. He let me try
it out and I got a pretty good crack and then it whipped
my on the backside of my arm! YOOOOSH, boy did
it sting. After that I didn't do so well cause I would
close my eyes and flinch.
On Friday afternoon they held a Priesthood and Relief Society
Meeting. All the men wore their white shirts and ties.
Boy, what a beautiful sight they were. The clothing really
set a mood for the rest of the evening, which was spent in
testimony sharing. They had a great experience.
Well, three treks down, six to go. Pioneer children
sang and they walked and walked and walked and walked.
This week we have the Evanston Stake coming, in fact, on
Monday! Our week starts early. But, then we get the bonus
of having our family come up to be together. We will
be baptizing Ammon and Jackson on the 4th of July, life
can't get better than that. I will see my own Ruby and all
the other wild children. We can hardly wait.