Thursday, April 24, 2014

April 24, 2014

This a our first group photo!  Can you tell how cold it was?  I would be the one on the
end with 3 coats on.

First Picture was serious, then I suggested we do CRAZY and as you
can see, they do crazy.  Can you see why I am enjoying myself?

We did one of my favorite things today.  I you really know me you will
know if I'm Kidding or Serious.  Check out the train in the background.
Several passed us while we were working, and they were very long.

This would be the Fearless Leader of our group, Yep the Boss.
I think she looks like Superman getting ready to fly, Spiderman
getting ready to throw a web, or Jeff thinks she looks like she
is climbing a really steep mountain.  The truth be told she could
do any of those things, if really needed.

A front view of the Skunk shed.  Can you tell I really do think
it is a cute old building.

This morning they put up their flag.  Wow, Ray Lund what a beautiful
sight it is!  You will be so impressed when you see it for yourself
next week.  Yep, they are coming with Squirrel and Cindy to bring
us our razor.  What good friends are those?  Well, maybe.  If they
never come we'll know what good friends they are?  Ha Ha Ha.

We traveled into Evanston This afternoon.  Yes, I wore my dress!  And a interesting
things occurred.  Everyone was so OVERLY KIND AND WELCOMING!   Every where
we went, they were wanting to be our best friends.  I have to admit the BADGE does
carry real weight and I was proud to be wearing it, even in a dress! 

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