Wednesday, April 30, 2014

April 30, 2014

We went to the Brigham City Temple today as a group.  Before
going to the Temple we went on a tour of the Tabernacle
that sits across the street.

 One of the Sisters got to play the organ, she was pretty excited about that.
Her mother used to play the organ in the Tabernacle in Salt Lake City.

 This is Jeff doing what he loves to do, looking for symbols and
special patterns in the buildings.
 The tulips were so TALL.  They looked so beautiful
both at the tabernacle and also the Temple Across the street
Yep, this would be the two of us!  Notice the coat, it was
a beautiful blue day but still a little cold at 10:30 am.  We are
looking from the Tabernacle toward the Temple.  We love the
fact each door lines up facing each other. 
Our day also included a trip to Maddox's, that is a given 
when you are in Brigham City.  Yum, Yum.  Jeff 
brought the extra rolls home with him.

Sunday, April 27, 2014

April 27, 2014

 Hey look who showed up on our doorstep,or should I say at our gate!  Actually they
called us and just after they parked a train came between them and the frontage road so
they were between the locked gate and the train, waiting for us to come.
When we got close we could see the train and it was at a standstill!  We were 
hoping Gib and Char were right next to the fence and not on the other side.
They were.  They had Sigg with them also.

 Gib is looking more and more like the Dad don't you think?

 Me, I think Sigg looks like me!  Oh all right, he does have more hair, that is
 It was fun to visit with them and to have them closer to us.

We took them around to see all the cool old buildings and the new Trek
Center.  We then went and rode a few roads.  We couldn't take them
where we wanted to because it was to wet and the roads are clay
in some area's.

We came back and Gib, Char and Sigg were our first Dinner Guests.
We had a stir fry, and some cookies, not homemade cookies.  Actually 
store cookies left from General Conference weekend.

Sigg's favorite place was under the table curled in a ball.  He did
enjoy all the antelope running in the meadows next to the truck. 
We let him smell out the window, but no chasing for him.  
All to soon it was time for them to leave but they left with
promises to come visit again.  They are just over an hour away.

Friday, April 25, 2014

April 25, 2014

 Today I finally got to put my feet upon a trek trail.  I went with three other
sisters for a walk.  The wind was blowing and so what is new.

  This is trail #6 and they all say this is a favorite.

  Heading back to the Depot.  Flag blowing in the Breeze

Here are two pillows given to us when we left. 
The Family one is from Amy and Danny Bedard.
The other one is a 100% pillow from our friends
Gary and Sandy Johnson.  He is the authority
on 100%.

Here are all the notes we have been finding from Morgans 
family.  We are still finding them 5 days later.

They are so funny and help us think of home.

Thursday, April 24, 2014

April 24, 2014

This a our first group photo!  Can you tell how cold it was?  I would be the one on the
end with 3 coats on.

First Picture was serious, then I suggested we do CRAZY and as you
can see, they do crazy.  Can you see why I am enjoying myself?

We did one of my favorite things today.  I you really know me you will
know if I'm Kidding or Serious.  Check out the train in the background.
Several passed us while we were working, and they were very long.

This would be the Fearless Leader of our group, Yep the Boss.
I think she looks like Superman getting ready to fly, Spiderman
getting ready to throw a web, or Jeff thinks she looks like she
is climbing a really steep mountain.  The truth be told she could
do any of those things, if really needed.

A front view of the Skunk shed.  Can you tell I really do think
it is a cute old building.

This morning they put up their flag.  Wow, Ray Lund what a beautiful
sight it is!  You will be so impressed when you see it for yourself
next week.  Yep, they are coming with Squirrel and Cindy to bring
us our razor.  What good friends are those?  Well, maybe.  If they
never come we'll know what good friends they are?  Ha Ha Ha.

We traveled into Evanston This afternoon.  Yes, I wore my dress!  And a interesting
things occurred.  Everyone was so OVERLY KIND AND WELCOMING!   Every where
we went, they were wanting to be our best friends.  I have to admit the BADGE does
carry real weight and I was proud to be wearing it, even in a dress! 

Wednesday, April 23, 2014

We woke up to this!
It was pretty cold and we decided we have actually been called to
Winter Quarters Mission instead.

Nobody said we should bring a snow shovel.

This is a beautiful tie that Sister Pratt gave to Jeff last night at our Family Home Evening.
She gives them to all the Elders who come to serve at D.L. & L.  It is so special.  It brought
tears to my eyes, we look forward to Jeff being able to wear it in St.George this winter.

Jeff's snow was back in front of the Trek Center

 Decoration continued for the dedication.  All the Sisters have some great pioneer
Dresses from the time they served in Martin's Cove.

What a transformation for the cement building, it actually looks kinda nice.

After working in the morning the Elders drove to Evanston to pick up supplies.  Some of the Sisters
drove to Ogden to go to Costco for supplies for the dedication.  They only took one truck so myself and
two others stayed here.  I've been using my time to figure out how to import and copy the
pictures I've been taking.  So this takes my full attention.  And frankly, it is nice for the
down time.  I'm alone in the trailer, (we need to name it something better, more
personal, any suggestions?)  and being quiet feels good.  Jeff is funny, he is
enjoying getting to know the Elders, already he really likes Elder Francom, they are 
from Spanish Fork and he is great, a little like Jeff.  So Miah, I guess we won't be coming
home today.  But, We continue to find notes in our things, today we found
two of them, one had a tootsie roll and it from Jackson.
We have hung all the notes up on the slideout that sits over the kitchen table
we laugh at them and enjoy having you here with us.

Tuesday, April 22, 2014

Our work today was to clean up and ready the place for the dedication.  This is the trek center, inside is 
where all the hand carts are kept for the winter months.  Here under the patio was parked all the water buffalo trucks.  These were all moved out from under.  The carts moved to the back of the building.  We washed cupboards, swept floors.  My job was to clean all the windows, inside and out, really only six!  But
boy were they clean.  Until it rained this evening and now they are probably water spotted.  I also spent
time removing a cardboard wrapping around each one of these poles.  THICK CARDBOARD.  Now 
they would be considered NAKIE POLES.  (That is in honor of Ruby who loves to be NAKIE!)

 Jeff worked on the trucks, moving the water trucks and all the handcarts.

 This is part of them
 These are the water tanks
 And more carts, 126 to be exact.  Plans to build 10 more this year plus two more that will be 
handicap available.
 So do you think Jeff moved these all by himself?  Doesn't he look cool?
 Yes, the weather turned really cold, lots and lots of WIND, and I mean WIND.  Remember We are 
from Cedar City!  Thunder and lightening and rain and wind.  

We ended the evening with a group dinner and then a Family Home Evening program.  All the 
couples shared their family stories and it was funny, serious, spiritual, original and there were
so many 100% moments.  (You know what I mean when I say that?)
 I almost missed this picture, remember the snow bank in front of the Trek Center, Well Jeff
took it on and destroyed it!  Look back to the first picture, notice no snow.  They said that 
snow bank would last for weeks, oh no, not on Grandpa Cowan's watch.  So there are
things we can do.

We found out today that the building we meet in is actually a old train depot that was
moved from the tracks up here on the ranch.  It was used as a hunting lodge and later as 
a trek center.  Now they have the bigger version on the hill.  It is cool with the old wood in
it and the pictures on the wall of the old building are awesome.
And something else we learned.  The shed that is next to our trailer, the one we hung the
weather thermometer on, is actually called the skunk shed, yes , you guessed it.  Skunks
love to live under it and yes, we went in it today and yes it does smell like
skunk.  But it is a pretty yellow color.  Old wood also, it was moved from another location and
has history to it.  A guy hid in it after robbing a bank and the sheriff found him there and the
robber shot the sheriff.  We also saw another old building out on the ranch today that 
they call the "Dance Hall of the Dead"  It is called this because there are all kinds of 
bones in the bottom the the building!  What fun times we'll have this summer, Dancing with the 