I made a big error. We got busy and I forgot to upload the
pictures from our best week at the DL & L. The visit we got
from the Greene's and the Cowans on the 3rd of July.
How good to see all their faces and hug them. They were excited
to visit the ranch and chase the pot guts and rabbits.
We celebrated birthdays past by playing with the new bubble
toy we discovered this summer.
It makes the best bubbles EVER! Life was fun when
they were there.
Sully had fun exploring everywhere.
And Oliver was his usual wild self.
On the 4th of July we got to have another TWO baptisms
at DL & L. Ammon and Jackson were both baptized
by the depot in the small reservoir right by our trailers.
For the program before the baptism these five boys sang
a Baptism song. How cute was that? Really!
Ammon went first.
Then Jackson.
This is the group that were there to celebrate their decision
to be baptized.
After the baptisms the kids changed their clothes and went back
to play in the water and mud, They had a great time doing that.
By the end they were covered in mud. What a great memory
for them of a special day. We are so lucky to have the
opportunity to be here and let Quinn, Ammon and Jackson
all be baptized there.